Request a Germplasm - Free seeds from the US Government!!

For anyone who likes gardening;

You can request free seeds from the government as long as you state they are for research or propagation. You are limited to 20 requests every six months. I just ordered a bunch of seeds, it’s gonna be wonderful!

if anyone needs help navigating the page let me know, it can be tough if its your fist time.

it is a little hard to see from the phone, but can non us residents also request seeds? I am thinking of two species that are recently extinct in norway. :cool:

If they don’t then you can have a US resident get them for you and they can mail them to you! :tongue:

kT, air mail shipping of biological specimen = federal crime. :grin:

it is illegal to import biological material to norway, but civilians have a special permit for up to a certain amount of seeds, i believe 100 grams or 1000 seeds? Of course there is no use if exporting seeds is illegal in the other country. Are you sure that there is no hobbyist quota?

ah, I can see why. I didn’t know that. :tongue:

Well I’m not that versed in international planting law :tongue: but based on commonsense, I’m guessing the rule is not the same for every specimen. Rare species — I know this is the case with Amazonic plants — absolutely cannot be exported and the punishment is fine + prison (+ international scandal). As for not as rare species (like tulips in Holland :wink:), I’m guessing things are not as restricted…

So it really probably depends on which seeds you’re trying to get.

Many forums I am a part of that pertain to entheogenic plants have trading as an integral part of the community, and dried plant matter(bruno, i know for a fact many, many kilos of mimosa hostilis is exported from brazil every year), live plants, seeds, etc. are traded overseas all the time. I recently received a Betel nut Palm tree from Taiwan.
Siiw, I think you have to live in the US to get the seeds. but if you think it’s legal(please check) for seeds to be sent to you from the US I’d be happy to send them to you. PM me if you would want me to. :smile: Always willing to help out a fellow gardener, especially if you want to plant plants that are extinct in your country.

Siiw, I just realized something. When you are filling out the form to complete your request for seeds, there is a text box with the caption “Country - if outside US”
So I assume you can get seeds. Also the seeds come from all over the world. I just got some S. Officinalis seeds from Italy, and some S. Superba seeds from Germany.
So I say go for it siiw. It’s not like you lose any money by placing an order.

They didn’t have any seeds for the plant i was looking for, but this sounds anyway like a good initiative. :cool:

if you like water plants, check out Nelumbo Nuciferia. The flowers are the size of a dinner plate!

That plant is freakin sweet daylight :tongue:

Wow. This looks so kewl! :smile:

These guys are serious about these plants being for research. I got this email the other day;

A member at another forum I frequent was sent a three page letter with his seeds, asking that they be emailed back to say he got the package and that they would be expecting his research report in the forthcoming year. Another member was sent a two page letter explaining the seeds were for research.

damn. [edit; arrrgggh!!! :grrr: ]

glad im actually using the plants for research, or else I’d begin to feel a bit guilty.

another post was made on said forum which simply states;

“they will smell yer bull and cut ya off!”

Well, Dan, you’re a student of gardening, how hard is it to ellaborate a research for each seed you want? :tongue: I don’t know much gardening lingo, but something like “The growing of Dalbergia nigra in Mediterranian climate: blah blah blah,” or “Establishing Cnidoscolus phyllacanthus in Californian soil: a study on differential fertilization” will do. Research proposals are easy: try to make it specific, and if it has already been tried, make it even more specific. Thus you get your grant, your seeds, and a good excuse to have both a regular garden (for contrast) and an experimental one.

did you use google to get those latin botanical names bruno?

I’m really only worried about getting the seeds to me. All the ones I ordered are for research(of questionable legitimacy), but I won’t be writing up a report on them, even if they request me to. My research is recorded in my brain and certian forums. I’d rather the government stay out of my research, so they will not be getting any reports from me.

ooh, no, im so scared, the agriculture department is after me!!!;p

What are you researching, anyway?

No, both Brazilian plants — one is the infamous Brazilian rosewood, an almost-extinct species which is forbidden to be at all explored, and mysteriously enough is the main ingredient for Channel’s #4 perfume. The other is the etymological root of our word for “slumtown”. :tongue:

Mostly how parasitic plants germinate and grow, and what alkaloids they contain based on the host plant, and plants with opioid based pain killing properties. Then I’m on to anti-tussives. Eventually I want to replace the medicine cabinet full of big-pharma products with a garden of medicinal plants. :smile:

Why, don’t you have your own little medicinal garden, home? They’re pretty handy!