Hello there! I go by db as that is my initials. I’m 19 yrs old and have been having lucid dreams throughout the majority of my life. When I was 6 yrs old my father explained lucid dreaming to me. He explained how easy it was for younger people and said that if I start practicing now I would never regret it. 13 years later and Ive had around 15-20 LD’s throughout my lifetime.
My problem is that I had my first LD when I was 6, and my most recent was 3 yrs ago when I was 16. My father had explained how as one gets older they need to focus more on waking life, which causes dream life to start to slowly fade.
From what I have read on this website there are many things one can use to help better their chances of having a lucid dream, none of which I have ever done.
Everything that I’m reading about on this site, I’ve never heard of.(such as the specific techniques). Ever since I started LD’ing I had just been using WILD every night and would occasionally have a MILD.(neither of which I knew I was doing, I just saw it as trying to enter a dream)
So, my questions are:
Which technique have you found to work best?
Since i’m doing WILD every night, are there any tips you have or specific things I can do to help make it successul that you’ve found to work yourself?
And if there are any other tips or advice you can give me I appreciate it greatly! Also if you have questions regarding myself feel free to ask!