Reward/Punishement LD Induction technique

I have heard about using rewards or punishment to induce lucid dreams, i have tried taking a cold shower whenever i did not get lucid. That didn’t last very long because it was not worth it. And for the reward you would need to have LD’s before the reward could work. Would leaving a chocolate bar beside your bed work, if you got lucid you would be allowed to eat the bar? Are there any good suggestation for punishment that doesnt involve taking my warm water away? Or any reward thoughts that could be useful.

Eh… Well, maybe it’s just me, but experimental psycology doesn’t sound like a nice way of inducing LDs—or anything else for that matter.

First because punishment won’t make you have more LDs, but rather kill your recall and get you frustrated; and second because I would feel like a pet trying to teach my subconscious to do the task in order to get the biscuit.

Are you sure you can’t try anything else to induce lucid dreams?

I agree with Bruno, reward/punishment doesn’t seem like a good method for inducing LD’s. LD’ing is supposed to be an enjoyable experience, and with that method you’ll just get frustrated.

A lot of people find a variant of the more popular methods that work for them, or at least methods that are enjoyable to try.

There’s no way I’m going to sleep witha chocolate bar beside my bed until said bar is consumed :happy:

Well, I like the reward idea part of it. Then again, just having a lucid dream is reward enough I think :content:

Having a LD is reward enough i admit. But i just thought that if i used a chocolate bar or something like that. Every time you see it, its like a RC ish. Every unsuccessful morning you have the bar as a reminder. So it pushes you to have one. I read about a method that involves putting salt on your tongue, and you have a glass of water by your bed. You are suppose to dream about water and Voila. Its like a dream sign

Would you really be able to stop yourself from devouring the chocolate right after awakening? If so, I am impressed by your willpower :smile:

I think the method you are referring to was designed to induce OBEs. Like described here (under “Inducing a special motivation to leave the body”).

What if you put something you DON’T like next to you? Eat it if you don’t have a ld :happy:

No, punish/reward techniques usually don’t work, if they’re not used with MILD

the brocoli solution

Hello! We want to have an LD, not dying! :crazy: