[b]Rhythmic Moon: Living Natural Time
dreamofpeace.net/sealife/viewtop … 2572#42572
Author/s: Ron Adams (Sunwolf)
Last Edit: Rhythmic Moon, Dali 1. Blue Crystal Storm Year
Each moon, at the Sea Life forum, we run a fun mutual dreaming adventure or research project to learn more about our world, and the evolutionary path before ourselves, and our planet. During the Rhythmic Moon, we’ll be actively exploring in our Dream Life and in our Waking Life:
Living Natural time
13 Moon Calendar
More monthly pictures and the option to order a calendar, can be found in our 13 Moon Calendar: Journey of the Peace Train.
Additional information about the movement is available at the home of the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement
Living Natural Time
Blue Crystal Storm being the Great Calendar Change of 2004 inspired this month’s project. A paradigm shift in consciousness! I wanted us to address how this shift is going to occur, personally, intimately, and culturally, through our dream work.
For background information on this subject check out this book and these links:
Time and the Technosphere
by Dr. Jose Arguellas. A groundbreaking study that distinguishes the natural time of the cosmos from artificial mechanistic time.
• Reveals September 11 as the signal of the end of artificial time according to the Law of Time.
• Long awaited sequel to the author’s best selling book The Mayan Factor.
• Explains the Great Calendar Change of 2004 and its enormous potential for the future of humanity.
In Time and the Technosphere, José Argüelles presents a groundbreaking study that distinguishes the natural time of the cosmos from the artificial mechanistic time under which we currently live. Argüelles defines the actual nature of time as the frequency of synchronization. Applying this Law of Time to an understanding of the entire system of life on Earth, he shows that in order to not destroy Earth’s ability to sustain life, we must change our definition of time and adopt a natural harmonic calendar based on the 13-moon 28-day cycle. Until the creation of the Gregorian calendar and the 60-minute hour, most of humanity lived by the 28-day cycle of natural time. The adoption of artificial time has subjected us to a 12:60 time frequency that governs the entire global industrialized civilization/the technosphere. With the collapse of the Twin Towers on September 11, a fissure was created in this artificial technosphere, opening up the noosphere (Earth’s mental envelope).
Humanity has a golden opportunity to leave the strife of the past and enter a time of peace by adopting a harmonious natural calendar that will repair the damages caused by the irregular tempo of technospheric time. Our last best chance to adopt this natural time and step into the bright new future promised by the galactic shift of 2012 is the Great Calendar Change of 2004, a new discovery based on the author’s mathematical research into the Mayan calendar first begun in his landmark work The Mayan Factor. In Time and the Technosphere, Argüelles reveals the clear distinction between third-dimensional astronomical time and the fourth-dimensional synchronic order of the Law of Time, which holds enormous potential for the future of humanity.
About the Author(s) of Time and the Technosphere
José Argüelles, Ph.D. works full time on behalf of the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and is president of the Foundation for the Law of Time. He is the author of numerous works, including The Mayan Factor, Earth Ascending, and Surfers of the Zuvuya. He lives in Oregon.
Praise for Time and the Technosphere
“Presents extremely relevant and thought provoking concepts.”
Robert Buratti, New Dawn, January/February 2003
“José Argüelles’ timely work Time and the Technosphere makes a vital contribution to the great paradigm shift in human cultures that is now accelerating. There is a higher dimension of natural time inscribed in the cosmos and a natural calendar that would help humanity mature into the awakening global consciousness that is now essential for future sustainability and well being. This book is an important contribution to the awakening event that is now emerging on a planetary scale.”
Ashok Gangadean, Ph.D. , Professor of Philosophy, Haverford College
For more information on this Shift visit
foundationforthelawoftime.or … me/01.html
Preparing for the Great Calendar Change of 2004
Now, lately I have been having dreams of both the Dreamspell Glyphs, particularly the Red Earth glyph, and also looking at the time on my cell phone. I find this interesting, in the middle of this shift, which technically began Sept. 11, 2001 and is being fulfilled in 2004. I have to be honest, I do use the TELEKTONON and follow the Dreamspell 13 Moon calendar and this helps me with some very creative energy. I think part of this natural time is getting in sync with the NOW, the present moment. I feel that artificial time keeps me out of the present NOW. I also have to tell the truth that working my 9 to 5 job at Subway, I have to use a mechanical clock and punch in and sign in with a computer clock. So I have a foot in both worlds, as I am sure others here do.
So how are we completely going to make this shift into Natural Time? Let’s use this question to incubate some potent dreams this Rhythmic Moon!
TOGETHER, that is the key.
The fact the Gregorian calendar was created and implemented Oct. 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, which just occurred at first with all the Spanish colonies the Vatican controlled at that time. England, Germany and many other nations didn’t adopt the Gregorian Calendar until much later. And many nations didn’t adopt the Gregorian Calendar until the last century, 20th century.
Here is a list of when nations adopted the Gregorian calendar, you might find this interesting:
Check it out. Very interesting. I think it shows that we can accomplish this even faster, when Countries switch from Gregorian to Dreamspell.
There have been movements within the United Nations for calendar reform, the latest back during WWII, so this concept isn’t really a foreign idea.
So what do we do? I was hoping that others might share in this thread what living in natural time means to them.
And hopefully we can incubate some dreams about us making this shift. Dreams are powerful methods of finding pieces to the puzzle that our waking mind can’t totally grasp.
So sign up and jump in and give us an idea of where you are at, what you feel, question, accept, or deny.
My intuitive hit about dreaming looking at the clock on my cell phone might mean something about honoring where I’ve been, growing up with mechanical and Gregorian time, because everything serves its purpose. Perhaps I have to complete this purpose, for myself, to totally shift and move on into Natural Time. Just a thought.
I think that this can be a really fun project this Rhythmic Moon.
I will be posting my questions and thoughts on this soon.
Good Luck!