riddles in the dark

just some questions…

do you really believe everyone can become lucid?
do you think you can put mental blocks on yourself, that will unwillingly stop you from having lucid dreams?
and do you think you can try to hard?

I know someone quoted yoda with “do or do not, there is no try” but…

I went to bed last night really hoping for a Ld, when i woke up, zero dream recall…i feels like im tryin to hard…

Yes, everyone can become lucid. Yes, people can set up mental blocks to prevent them from having lucid dreams; but they’re just blocks and can be removed :happy:. Yes, there is such a thing as “trying too hard.” However, I don’t really know what that is or where it begins.

Just give it time. Some people are quicker than others. Do RCs, keep a dream journal, and truly believe that your dreams are important. The LDs will come. Good luck! :wink:

YES, I strongly believe it, although I can´t be completely sure.People with serious brain damage or something like that excluded.

YES, but they are removable, or perhaps will disappear by themselves.

YES, but it isn´t really “trying too hard”, it is “trying to desperate”.
I don´t think it is bad for your LDing if you think about it all day and do thousands of practices.But it´s good to stay positve, yet relaxed
(“I am postive about having an LD tonight” contra “Oh I MUST lucid dream, I did all the techniques it just HAS TO happen TONIGHT!!!”)

You´ll have lucid dreams, but perhaps you need patience.If your techniques get kinda desperate, and yet you don´t achieve anything, it might be a good idea to take a little break.A nice postive, calm new start can help.


good advice…

I hate waking up now unless i feel that ive had some kind of an experience while sleeping…it feels like a waste of time…as opposed to waking up after an Ld (or in my case semi-Ld) or just waking up with the memory of weird and interesting dreams…

another question…

Why is it that there is so little conversation in waking life about dreams. I mean, sure now that ive gotten into it, I start many conversations about it. But why isnt it a bigger part of my/our society, it seems like such a primitive action, everyone dreams, everyone could possibly lucid dream, why arent we exploiting this skill more as a…for lack of a better word…tool…or excercise.?

Why isnt dreaming taught to us?..

Hmm, good question, I also miss talking about dreams in RL.At least I got a few persons who don´t give me strange looks when I do.
Or if someone would have been there to tell me what I could do against my lucid nightmares when I was a little child…

Anyway, in my opinion the main reasons are:
You can´t sell it
You can´t control others dreams
It´s questioning the “there is only one reality, and we (will) explain it” science
It gives you some kind of satisfaction that can perhaps replace the need to consume
It´s too personal

The same people who are interested in dreaming, are also the dumb esoteric, left wing fanatics, drug junkies, nature freaks, naive old-fashioned flower power people, wimps, vegetarians, sissies, depressed psychos…

It just isn´t really accepted in our society, and I think the main reason is that most people don´t want to deal with the idea of different realities.They just don´t like the idea that our world isn´t as real as we like it to be, or, that there are other worlds that are as real as our current one.


I think another reason is that people aren’t living their dreams (or what Paulo Coelho calls the Personal Legend.) Now, I mean dreams in the sense of aspirations or wild fancies that we have as youth. People are stuck in their meaningless 9-to-5’s, trying to save up money to buy things they don’t want but society tells them they need. If people started paying attention to their sleeping dreams, they’d realize they aren’t pursuing their other “dreams” and this would create unhappiness. It’s easier just to continue the routine where things are comfortable than to take risks and dream and dare to make those dreams come true.

I hope that all made sense. :bored:

And in reference to this post’s topic… What has it got in its pocketses, preciousss?

I absolutely believe that everyone can have lucid dreams! When I first started I was sure that I wouldn’t get far because I’m not very, ‘spiritual’ but I realised that LDing isn’t un-natural, its just part of the world!
As for trying too hard, I think if you put too much pressure on yourseld (ex. I will lucid dream by next week) Then you will become dissapointed and lose faith that you can do it, and if that happens, then your chances of lucidity will probibly go down, because your mind wont really believe you can. Good luck! :cool_laugh:

Is there really endless possibilities once you become lucid, Ive read that you have to work at it of course, but once you ve got the idea…the possibilities are endless?

that’s not entirely accurate, you can’t control others dreams in the sense of getting in their dream and making their dream how you want it.

But if you try you can change peoples dreams from say good to bad, or exotic to erotic. I don’t think it’s something you can do with a complete stranger, but it is possible to do with someone you are mentally and emotionally close to.

me and zoe have been trying many things around this area, and on 3/5 attempts we have had success in changing what a person dreams. It’s not really proof as there really is no way to prove it and it could simply have been coincidence.

What we do is one person will sleep and the other will concentrate on them and send them “emotions” in a sence to see if we can alter the dream type. (we don’t tell each other when we attempt this, so the person isn’t expecting it to happen)

but 3/5 isn’t bad odds.

I don’t believe that it is possible to “try too hard”.

If you spend your entire day begging yourself for an LD, performing RCs more frequently than breathing, staring at hypnosis wheels, talking about the subject, thinking about the subject and just generally HOPING to LD, chances are you’re going to.

I do, however, think that it is possible that becoming too desperate might lead to unwillingly constructing a mental block. As long as you know that everyone can indeed lucid dream if they are patient, you’ll eventually succeed.

thanks all, for the replies, im bunmpin it up to the top again i guess…

anothere question:

ive been doing alot of rc’s lately (for the past couple weeks) and keeping a dream journal. My dream recall has improved but I still dont feel any closer to lucidity…any extrra little tips?which rc’s work the best for you?

thanks again :wink:

I think one of the reasons dreams are so untalked about or even sometimes taboo is that people (at least around here) are so afraid to look inside themselves and dreaming is part of that. They don’t want to admit even to themselves what is there in their innermost thoughts and at least some of that comes out in dreams depending on who you ask of course. I just remember when I would be really unhappy the only advice I really got was, just ignor it and pretend you’re happy (which didn’t work of course) and i think that people who don’t want to look at themselves really don’t want to look at their dreams much less share them.
As for the RCs, one of the popular ones is the looking at your watch if you wear one. I used to do this one back when I did RCs because I wear a watch 24/7 (I have no concept of time). I don’t do waking reality checks anymore but I still become lucid usualy just by really believing that I can but without putting pressure on myself. Another thing that really works for me is spending the last few hours before bed reading about LDing as much as possible and getting my mind interested in it. If you don’t give up you are sure to have an LD sooner or later so hang in there. :smile: