I have been wondering about the possibility of a completely right-brained approach to attaining lucidity. For example, most techniques I’ve run across rely heavily on the left hemisphere doing what it does- process language and logic, while the right-hemisphere is off in lala land creating the images the left is interpreting (or not). However, I am (as are a lot of people) very much a right-brained person. Even durring the day, my left-hemisphere is almost always out-to-lunch. Therefore, I have had very little success in using left-brained techniques in gaining lucidity.
I’d like to start a discussion of some right-brained methods for attaining and sustaining lucidity. Anyone care to comment?
I’ve heard about the whole right-brain theory. I read somewhere that if you sleep on your right side you’re more likely to have an LD (or more vivid dreams, at the least) than if you were on your back, stomach, or left side. I tried it, but I don’t know if it works because I could wake up on my back, or stomach, or left side. Maybe it’s true–I’ll try again tonight…
I don’t sleep on my left side to avoid feeling too much my heart pumping (as it does, beginner’s excitement). I managed to induce HI once while sleeping in supine position, and had at least 2 involuntary HI while sleeping on my belly. I think it matters in terms of how fast you fall asleep (slower makes it easier for me to sense HI and practice WILD).
Yes! I’ve heard of this. Sleep on you right side or something like that and your chances of lucidity increase. I now try to sleep on my right side every night, but I always wake up on my back–so maybe it’s your back that you should sleep on. Probably because it balances out the brain function–then again, doesn’t the left side shut down or something? Either way, I still try to test out the ‘right-brained theory’.
I always sleep on my belly, on the floor, as most of you know. What I’ll do is twist my neck to the right if I want to get HI and all, and to the left if I want to ponder some things in my head before beddy-bye time. (Floory-bye time? )
Whoa whoa whoa. Wolf - You twist your head to the right and sleep on your belly. Does that mean that the left side of your head is on the ground or the right? I was just testing it out, and something felt off, like it was my left side no matter what.
EDIT: I was wrong up there (right above). I always sleep on my right side, facing left.
Goodie! Something I am totally clueless with. I never really thought about how the hemispheres of the brain making a difference. But now it makes sense, yay!
EDIT: Wolf… Yes you! Please share with the world why you always sleep on the floor. . . .Good boy! (yay, that’s finally out.)
I remember listening to a radio interview with Dr Stephen LaBerge (very prominent LD researcher) where he mentioned dreaming brains show a great deal of activity in both sides of the brain, so my question would be, would a purely right-sided approach to LDing even work that well?
blah im guna move my bed so i can sleep on my right side (sleeping on my right scares me now because i cant see the doorway and i think somethings going to happen while my backs turned like bigfoot) lol
Until i get enough proof, I can’t be sure if sleeping on my right side really can affect the amount of LDs i have. Out of habit, I tend to sleep on my right side every night, but I don’t have much of an abundance of lucid dreams.
Do you think it is possible to set up some sort of controlled experiment to determine this?
Lucidity Institute led an experiment investigating sleep posture and nasal laterality. They wanted to know if, as some Tibetan lore suggests, men and women should sleep on opposite sides to have more LD’s. They didn’t publish the results, thus I suppose they haven’t had clear results.
It seems that nostril dilation has to do with biological cycles. If you hold one nostril closed and breathe through the other, and then switch nostrils, generally you will find that one nostril is easier to breathe through than the other. The change from left to right seems to follow an approximately 90 minute cycle. When you sleep on your right side, your left nostril is more open and you breathe easier through it than through your right. And vice-versa. Furthermore, a shift in nostril dilation can be produced by pressure on a reflex point on the side along line beneath the armpit.
This is important in yoga cause it has to do with your “lunar” and “solar” side. Yogi says these sides are inverted in men and women, thus men and women should sleep on opposite sides.
Nevertheless IMO this has nothing to do with the subject of this topic.
DoctorEternal was talking about using right or left brain activity in order to attain lucidity. It’s widely believed than activities like couting, repeating a sentence in order to WILD, noticing if something is strange in order to DILD are related to left brain activity. He wanted to know if some right brain related induction techniques existed.
But this distinction between right brain and left brain is not so clear that it has been said during many years. Believing that the left hemisphere is rational and processes language and logic and the right hemisphere is imaginative and emotional is nothing but a caricature. Every activity requires the use of both brains. For neurobiologists, who haven’t still up to now found any clear difference in the functioning of both hemispheres, this story about an imaginative right brain and a logical left brain is a genuine myth.
Yes,Yoga of sleep and dreaming says men should sleep on their right side and women opposite- this has to do with energy channels.
But as Basilus said- its not about attaining lucidity,more about pleasant/unpleasant content of a dream.This is of course simply said but in general will do.
I remember reading that from the Lucidity Institute as well Basilus West. I always sleep on my right side and my guy on his left. I do tend to have good dreams and LDs. Maybe there’s something to it huh?
DoctorEternal; I know what you are talking about and there is indeed a great way to have LD’s by using the right hemisphere of your brain. When in bed, close your eyes and ask your subconsious mind any LD related question such as, how could I best remember my dreams? or if I have a LD what will I do in it? and then softly describe to yourself whatever images pop up into your head. Refrain from judging these images, just describe them softly, but aloud as they pop up into your head. Continue to do this for about 10 minutes and then go to sleep. This method has produced great results for me. It’s like MILD, only with right brain imagery instead of left brain mnemonics.
Contact me if you wish to know more about this method
Ugh… Well, i dont get something. What a side on what You sleep, have with a brain activity ? Totally nonsense for me. Short word to jack : do you really belive in a something like energy channels? LD cis in your brain, like energy channel doesnt exists.