Lately I have been running into a rather unpleasant kind of DCs. Before, all the DCs has been cooperative or just not caring. Sometimes when I try to go somewhere else in the dream, it might be through a door or up a mountain, I will run into this kind of creature.
They look grey and genderless. Usually they have black hair and big black eyes. They look unfinished in a way, like a bad. grey pencil drawing, Usually they will just stand in my way, but the last time one of them actually told me this was off-limits.
Could this be a part of my subconscious telling me I can’t dream this yet? Why? Has anybody else had problems with this?
Well, if talking normally to them doesn’t work, either respect their wishes(since maybe your not ready to see what they are guarding) or beat the shit out of them.
=> you can confront the DC and try to explore their meaning in your dreams.
=> As silva and n0th1n suggested you can let the DC know who is boss and blast them.
=> If you find them to be really annoying and do not want to see them again. You can banish them. I did this to a recurring DC in one of my DILD and the DC has not returned since. My theory is that you are sending your subconscious a strong message that you do not want that person to return ever. I don’t know if it will work for you like I said it is just a theory I have but, it did work for me.
I’d ask them why the place is off limits… not that DCs are ever honest…
I somehow saw a DC psychologist that had me look at “ink blots” (hilarious, having my subconscious give me an inkblot test!) and well, toward the end of it all I got lucid and bored and I started talking to him about how this was a dream, and hen I demonstrated it by flinging this chair around the room, so then I was like “for real, dont’ make things up, don’t lie, are you a real person?” and he’s like “I’ve waited for this to happen for so long, yes I am!” and before I left I asked his name…
Frederick Remmington…okay… yeah… YOU’RE A FAMOUS ARTIST? Why are you psychoanalyzing me?
I don’t like all this trickery and deception, I suppose he could have been a real psychologist who just happened to have that name though, who knows.