My last topic reminded me… For all of you Roger Waters/Pink Floyd fans, and I know there are alot of them on the forum… Roger Waters will be touring the Wall this year starting Sep 15th, and Im going. I dont care if I have to crawl to get to the show. Im not missing it. I missed him last time he toured. Thought you might like to know. I just wonder if he will scale it down, or if we will get the full blown 30 foot wall with all the bells, and whistles. I hope so.
If he comes to Brazil again I’ll die again Specially if he does build the huge wall. I’ve been wanting to see that my whole life!
“Tear down the wall! Tear down the wall! Tear down the wall!”
I just hope it will be alot better then The wall Live in Berlin in my opinion I think that whole concert was very loose, and slopy.
Well its deffinetly not going to be scaled down check out this interview