Role call! #2 sighnups only!

please chat in the original topic Rolecall

ok if you havent seen the first this is LD4all’s lucid field trip thread. if you want to go on our weekly lucid field trip please *state your name and when everyone is here that wants to go we shall go! and if you would like to suggest a place to go please do :grin:

*scarface present

/me is in and I suggest that we use dimension 11 since it was our first plan :grin:

good idea ghostie but can we do something other than see the paralel universe this time :tongue:

Who knows whats in there? :tongue: Ive not been there myself and maybe its a place thats worth the time to enter :grin: Im excited to see how it really looks.

well i already know i just dont want to ruin it for u :grin:

*RoD announces again that he’s here :nuu:

How about Pluto :happy:

what if pluto is in the 11th dimension :wink: