Rolling into a LD

I remember reading a post that suggested one should try rolling their dream body out of their physical body to start a LD. I attempted this this morning and I must say, it is absolutely one of the most bizzare feelings I’ve ever experienced!

I woke up a little too early so, as usual, decided to try a WILD/WBTB combo. I started feeling the onset of SP and let the sensations engulf me for about 10 seconds, after which I decided to try to roll out of my body into a dream. As I began doing this, it REALLY felt as if I were rolling my physical body, and since I didn’t want to fall off of my bed I kept opening my eyes quickly and slightly every few seconds to make sure of where I was! Stupid I know, but surprisingly it didn’t wake me up! Eventually, I had rolled out of myself! It was so intense… I kept expecting to roll off the bed and hit the ground and wake up, but instead I sort of just landed on the ground and started crawling away from my bed. As soon as I realized what just happened, I woke up and reflected on the experience. I will definitely try this again!

This was my first time trying this and it pretty much worked, but I would like to refine the technique. To those who have done this, or do this, how fast do you roll out of yourself? Since this was my first time and I was unable to tell whether I was rolling my physical or dream body, and didn’t want to fall, I did it very slowly and I think this is one reason why the LD was so short, because I spent so much time actually travelling into the LD (and when I was finally in it, was such a shock so it woke me up).

Recommendations? Comments?

Sleep well,

im not a very avid lucid dreamer, however I must say the first time i ever did LD i used the same method as you… I woke up in middle of the night and realised i was awake. then just went to bed without even thinking about LD’s. soon afterwards my eyes were vibrating and i saw a white light. from there i just simply rolled out of bed and i was on my way to my first real vivid LD

I attempted the technique again over the past few nights to no avail. I’ve been pretty tired lately so I keep slipping into ND’s before I can even feel the start of SP.

Anyway… I’ve been wondering if rolling out is the only way for this to work. I mean, could someone imagine themselves not rolling out of bed, but rather, actually sitting up out of themselves? That would definitely be pretty intense. I ask this because when you roll out of yourself, you’re pretty much leaving your entire physical body all at once. However, if you sit up, you will leave your physical uppper body, but your dream legs will still be “inside” your physical legs! And if you look down at your legs and try to move them, what will you see? Will your dream legs lift out of your physical legs, thus causing you to see 4 legs?!

I must try this. But I just know that if I do spot myself with 4 legs… I will wake up. :-p


Sleep well,

Heh the only time I ever rolled was when I actually did fall out of bed.

I always have problems attempting to leave my physical body. It’s such a labourous task to do,although a few times I was succesful. How do you make it easier?

For me using an imaginable rope works better than rolling. You can imagine a rope hanging in ceiling and you grab it with your dream hands and pull yourself out from the body. Works well :content:

Isn’t that Astral Projection actually?

If my memory is good, the guy who invented this technique said it was a LD’ing technique in the 90’s. Now he says it’s an astral technique. Fashions change… :tongue:

Forget rolling out of the bed, the one time I found myself in the right state to try this I rolled THROUGH the bed… kinda imagined it like I was corkscrewing down through it and fell out the bottom.

It worked well, I think partly because it was so unreal that it reinforced lucidity quite well, and had no risk of rolling my real body onto the floor.

I always have problems attempting to leave my physical
body. It’s such a labourous task to do,although a few
times I was succesful. How do you make it easier?

For me it is actually the easiest way, since I’m one of those people who don’t really get true, vivid HI. Moreover, the vibrations before SP keep me from falling asleep so this is my ‘escape,’ if you will.

For me using an imaginable rope works better than
rolling. You can imagine a rope hanging in ceiling and
you grab it with your dream hands and pull yourself out
from the body. Works well

Interesting! I must try this tonight.

Isn’t that Astral Projection actually?

Could be, but I don’t believe in Astral Projection (sorry guys!). I think anyone who feels that they are successful in Astral Projection are doing nothing more than LD’ing, but since their mindset is completely focused on Astral Projection, this is what will consist of his or her LD. I would bet that an astral projectionist could leave their physical body, open a closed door, and on the other side would be whatever they imagine it to be (as in a LD).

BTW, the rolling into an LD technique was, as I now remember, based off of one of Xetrov’s WILD methods, in which the dreamer imagines him or herself spinning about their axis, and eventually spinning (rolling) out of themselves into a LD.

What I’m doing is similar, but without the spinning about one’s axis, and the roll begins shortly after the onset of SP.

Sleep well,

this technique is actually for astral projection together with the rope technique.I tried the roll technique today actually to have an obee (i havent had one before). But here is what happened :

i woke on my back. but it was hard to open my eyes and it felt a little uncomfortable so i knew that i was in a SP . So i started trying to roll. when i had my first roll i thought i made it but it was like nothing changed. so i decided to roll away from my body , to my brothers bed. i rolled to it and when i looked at my left my brothers bed was still there and i was in my bed. then i started rolling to the other side then i fall but i knew that this wasnt real. i looked at my bed to see myself but i wasnt there(so its probably not obee). walked on the wall like spiderman then i left the of it was like any another LD.

Well i have never had a real OBE; all of 'em have been quite short to be called OBEs for me. But, i have “heard” of ppl on this forum and others, that they have had OBEs and that they don’t think they are LDs merely, they think it’s more realistic and very different feeling than regular LDs.

I can’t say something solid about this since i haven’t had a real experience, so i’ll stay neutral for now.

i looked at my bed to see myself but i wasnt there

Very interesting… If you did not see yourself, how did you know you entered a LD?

then i started rolling to the other side then i fall but i
knew that this wasnt real

Can you explain how you felt that signified that what you were experiencing was not real? When I tried the rolling technique, I knew that I was no longer in my physical body because when I “fell” to the floor it merely felt as if I had floated down onto it. Very odd feeling. Is this the same as you?

As for OOBE’s… they seem interesting and also a little frightening. Perhaps the reason I don’t so much believe in them is due to lack of factual explanation. LD’ing, on the other hand, has been proven scientifically, which is neat. Of course, there is no scientific explanation for Chi either, but it is certainly evident in the Shaolin monks (for example) who are able fully channel that energy into performing otherwise impossible feats.

Sleep well,