Rolling over is the enemy of WILD

Has anyone who is a light sleeper noticed that if they are trying to WILD, they will go through tons of NREM, just lying there on their back, or on their side

then eventually really want to roll over, and during all this time they have been in this sleeping position, not a single dream has come?

Rolling over is the enemy of awareness, for those who notice this, if we are awake enough to deliberately roll over, we are awake enough to get up and meditate, and do a WBTB, stretch some, then return to the same sleeping position.

often I have told myself “just stay on your back” but it gets very tedious and the desire to roll over is VERY STRONG!

Yeah, I think that happens with me. Although, how exactly do you recognize NREM sleep? I’ve noticed sometimes I’m able to get into a state of very deep relaxation and it seems like my breathing gets deep and that I don’t really have to control it. Is that NREM sleep? :confused: (btw, I also have gotten a weird pressure on my forehead a few times. :bored: )

And when I’m trying to WILD I usually get tired of laying on my back and roll over… :sad: I should really try to get up and meditate instead, sounds like a good idea…

A d a m n pain in my opinion, I’m so used to sleeping on my side, but now that I think of it, my dream recall is MUCH better when I sleep on my back rather than my side or stomach, whereas it’s practically nonexistent if I don’t sleep facing the ceiling.

I know!

How do you know its NREM? its when you are dozing off and can’t stay awake any-more, if you don’t notice it you can choose to open your eyes when you are beginning to feel sleepy

though i did the eye open thing last night, and it kept me too awake, but when i did doze off, I felt really trippy. I was too groggy to follow my own advice on getting up and meditating, instead of rolling over.

I don’t know why, but sometimes I can fall asleep on my back quite easily, and sometimes it is virtually impossible. Last night I spent almost 2 hours lying on my back in a kind of twilight waking state. Occasionally I would try different techniques to induce sleep and further relaxation, but they were without success. Finally I was ready to give up and turn over on my right side. At this point, I experienced hideously painful cramps in the calves of both my legs. They are still hurting 12 hours later. However, I had several dreams (but no lucids since those are mostly restricted to when I am on my back) in the 45 minutes I had left before I had to get up.

I have no great wisdom to offer here, but I just thought I would share. Obviously, my legs were not quite as relaxed as I thought they were.

lol I never knew people would roll over to sleep. I usually lay on my back then I roll on my side and relax but I can’t fall asleep on my side. I always have to turn laying on my back. I also wake up in that position with arms crossed on my chest or on my sides.

When I wait long time to WILD it gets me nervous that I don’t move and the desire the move and roll over is stronger :confused: If I can stop thinking somehow about rolling over then it should be easier to do WILD