rubbing hands

Hi, I’m a nOOb to this lucid dreaming topic, although I’ve been interested in the idea for a long while. I was wondering if rubbing your hands together keeps you in the dream…? I’ve hear of that technique a few times, but I just wanted to hear different dreamers’ opinions about that particular technique.

Rubbing hands works very well for me. You need to do it quite hard though so you can really feel the friction.

Most people find this works.

Also, lots of people find that spinning is mroe successful - unfortunatly, spinning also changes the dream scene, meaning that you can lose lucidity from it.

So basically:

  • Spinning is more successful
  • But rubbing your hands is ‘safer’

Cool. Thx,sureal.

My question is how can you be able to lose lucidity if you’re still in that dream you’re aware of?

You can loose lucidity for example if you get a false awakening from the spinning, and believe that you actually wake up, which leads you to drop your awareness. The spinning technique never worked for me, but I find that rubbing my hands makes the dream more vivid and stable. And yes, like it was said, you should focus and the feeling of the friction. Actually using the sense of touch with anything (touch the ground, the walls) does the trick, but your hands are easier coz they’re always with you :wink:

Interesting^. I didn’t know that!