running into characters that know they are characters

this has slowly been becoming a problem for me. i suspect this might be a result of how many of my dreams are lucid (nearly all), or maybe stems from a few dreams i had 1-2 years ago (having long conversations with characters in the dream, and either going to topics like reality/dreaming or just straight up revealing to “whoever” that i’m dreaming and they’re part of it).

now it would appear that i can’t quite go back, and i’m not sure what to make of it. too often i’m running into people that know they aren’t people, and/or know that i can do whatever with them. often this leads to hilariously ridiculous dialogue, and sometimes its insightful, but i’m not sure how to go back or even limit this.

DC that know that they are DC is a sign of a high lucidity level. But why would you change that?

I guess you can stop thinking about dreaming and lucid dreaming and maybe you’ll stop having them, but why man!?!? :eek:

If you can do anything you want to them, make them forget. If that doesn’t work, make yourself forget that they’re not real.
How? Visualize the memories in a bag and dump it off a cliff out of you into the clouds below. Don’t look back!

Have had similar issues.

It usually goes away to some extent with periods of non lucidity.

I’ve also found that deep sleep is better for realism, so remembering your mid night REMs would probably give you some goodies.
You seem to be at a high level already so you can probably just remind yourself to wake up at the end of your REMS.

Well. It is mental habit. YOUR mental habit, BTW. The “characters” are illusions. They do not know anything. YOU know. And this causes the illusions to behave that way. I do not know it if helps that I say that. Because your awareness of the falsehood of these images and sounds, and their emptiness, and the fact that they are illusions created by your mind, and have no mind of their own, might create the expectation that they should not behave like thinking beings. But, perhaps if you try to remember what they used to be like, you can strangthen your own conviction that they can behave more like real and intelligent beings, capable of their own consciousness, and bring back the expectations that made them behave like that.

Man, I really want to hear one of these conversations now, would you mind posting one?

As others have said, DC’s, in their sheer being, know nothing. They are manifestations of your knowledge and thoughts, which is how they know their lucid.

So what if you didn’t view them as DC’s?
If you thought they were actual people, or CONSIDERED them to be, would they still see themselves as DC’s because THEY know they are, or would they see themselves as people because that’s what YOU see them as?

If you want to have a higher sense of realism in LD’s when talking to DC’s, I can understand this. Just try and see them as people first, they might just take on different patterns of thought. Not to mention making your LD’s just a bit more interesting.