Ryan Hurds Immersion Plan

I wonder if anyone would like to try out Ryan Hurds Immersion plan with me. For those unfamiliar with it, I will give a short outline, but I highly recomend going to Ryans website at dreamstudies.org :
The Immersion method is about immersing yourself in lucid living for a specific time. Its a holistic way, including mind, body and spirit or mental, physical and emotional if you like. You pick from 3-6 LD practices and stick with these for the period of time.

What this is supposed to do is, instead of burning out on using techniques you are not sure are working or not, you use a set amount of time to see what feels right for you and most importantly, what works! Then you keep what works and change what doesnt in the next immersion.

For those interested, message me or post here and we work out how to do it.

Looks cool, I am interested.

Nice! Will give it some days to see if there are more who wants to join. If not, we do it together :wink:

Sure buddy…Thanks.

Hm, I would love to do this, things like this can’t hurt and a kind of program which tells me what to do would be a great way of really getting back into LD’ing again. But, from what I understood, you need to buy this plan? I’m interested, but I can’t/don’t want to spend money for it…

Hm… tell me more about this. :o

Welcome onboard! You dont need to buy the books to do an immersion. I can give the guidelines, to the best of my ability, on how to do an immersion.

Immersion is to, well, immerse yourself in some techniques and life style changes of your choice for a predetermined amount of time. This to prevent yourself from burning out on techniques that dont work for you. The techniques and lifestyle changes addresses the levels of the mind, body and spirit to get an holistic approach to LD. After the immersion is over, you review what has worked and what has not.for the nxt immersion you keep what has worked and add some new techniques and life style changes. Or try something new all together.

Here follows an outline of my own immersion to give you an idea:

Mind - Mindfull meditation and journaling my intentions coupled with autosuggestion before bed
Body - Drumming and a diet
Spirit - Focusing and integrate my beliefs

On choosing the techniques, i found someone that just felt right for me and that ive previous have had good results with. Im scheduling my day to prioritize the immersion. That is the whole point imho. To really saturate yourself and adress every level of being with these practices and also overcome the roadblocks we are facing.

Hope this gives a better view of what an immersion is. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask :smile:

Ah okay thanks, I think I got it. :smile: I suppose that it is different for everybody, but is there a rough suggestion on how long you should do one immersion plan before altering some parts of it?

Its suggested that for the first immersion you choose a short time, lets say 4 days. The immersions in general can be from 3-10 days. For the amount of time you choose, you should stick with the prearranged plan. The results might come in the time after the immersion, in the idle time. So you really dont know the results untill some days after the immersion has ended. Did that clear up the issue?

Yes, thanks again! At the moment I’m working on my ideas for my plan, I’ll post them here when I have something concrete.

Lol, the name attracted me here because of the new linux “hurd” that should be coming out soon. The outline for the system is almost revolutionary, I can’t lie, I got a bit excited when I saw it :grin:

At any rate, I followed a self-made plan like this a while back. Worked perfectly, in two weeks I had my first LD, even if it only lasted 3 seconds, but it had felt amazing. I’m trying to go back on my plan, but between programming and whats been going on with my groups, its hard to find time.

I think I’ll join up, hopefully this’ll give me more incentive to begin my lucid living once more.

@_ins0mniac Welcome aboard to you as well! Looking forward to share my immersion with you too.

i think we’ve waited long enough and are ready to get this show on the road. Im going to start my immersion on friday, as Ill be going away for some days and want to take advantage of being in a different bed than my own. It will be a three day immersion on my part. I havent found all the practices I will be doing, but I know I will use MILD with WBTB, meditation and relaxation and either Toleys Reflection Technique(reality check) or working indepth with dream signs. Will have between 3-6 practices.

What I recommend for each and one of you is to start planning the immersion. How long will the immersion last? What practices will you be doing? Etc. Its a good idea to have at least one practice for each of the three levels, mind, body and spirit. Also, prepare your bedroom so its clean and safe. This is in many ways the temple where we work. And its a good way to tell our mind that dreams are important to take care of the space we dream in;)

If you got any questions, just fire away.

One more question about the idle time: How many days should it be and what do you do or don’t do during these days?

The idle time is days of no activity. The way I see it, its days of integration and in those days LD’s may come as a delayed response to the immersion. Keep writing your DJ as this is an essential skill in LD’ing and dreamwork in general. I do the practices i did before the immersion, e.g. i meditate since its a practice i do regularly.

Idle time goes on until the next immersion which is when you feel the urge to do one again. E.g. My immersion ended on Sunday and Im starting again on friday. And there you have the rhythm of the path of immersion!

Alright, I start with my plan today and do it until Tuesday, next week. I will do at least 5 minutes of meditation before going to sleep, use my CALD characters for better DR and do WBTB + MILD/CALD every night. (First time I try WBTB every night, but I’m confident that it won’t mess up my sleeping patterns too much) I will try my best to do a bit of RC’ing and LL throughout the days, and I set myself the goal to write my dreams down in my DJ at the same day I had them.

Started my immersion yesterday. The set up is as follows:

From 10.02 - 12.02 2012

My immersion practices for this immersion is the following:
Mind - Relaxation and breathwork, MILD and Tholeys Combined Technique
Body - WBTB
Spirit - Review of the day and journaling

Will post my evaluation of the immersion after it is over!

I ended my second immersion last Sunday and it was a complete a bust! I had very limited success with any of the practices. I think Ive come to the conclusion that there is to much going on in my life at this point. Im quite sick and Ive kind of tried to escape and run away from fear through immersion in lucid dreams and obe’s. Havent taken the time to take care of my self and the things that are happening. Tomorrow Im leaving for surgery at the hospital, hopefully for the last time now. I will use this time to relax and do some meditation and relaxation exercises to ground myself and go through the fear. I will then come back stronger and more focused than ever Wink This is my path, I just have to learn to be patient and to do things in their time. Will be back as soon as I feel ready.

Lejjona: How did it go for you?

All the best to you my fellow travellers!!!


Wish you the best Magus, I hope you will be better soon!

Almost no success on my part, but that’s my own fault because I had very low motivation. I kept up my DJ though and I think that doing mediation was a good decision too. Out of eight nights I did only two WBTBs. The second one was okay and the first one was way too long so that I couldn’t fall asleep for about an hour. (Stupid me, I know that 15 minutes are enough :shy: ) During the last days of idle time, I had no chance of really keeping up my DJ and doing meditation, but I knew that beforehand, not a big deal.

Tonight I had a LD, I guess what caused it was quite a bit of LL during the day. Not one of my best LD’s, but the best I could expect. :smile: I will go on with LL and I also started to write a GPJ, it’s great to recapitulate your day and night. I think I will give WBTB+MILD another go starting on Friday for maybe five days. I’m really looking forward to it, thank you Magus for starting this thread!