Sad news for Pink floyd fans

I just found out that Richard Wright died, I cant believe that. Rest in peace Richard, and thanks for the wonderfull music that has helped me through some tough times. Im in shock.

Ya , this happend a few days ago. I was shocked too, still am.
He was a musical genius and was reponsible for some brilliant stuff.

I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon.


Haha ya, he even took them to court for using the name Pink Floyd after he left the band!

Roger has a big ego, I love Roger, and his solo work espesally “Amused to death”, but it anoys me how he talks as if he was the only one in the band that did anything, he couldnt have done it without the rest of them.

Yes, that`s true.

Write was responsible for most of the stuff that came out of Dark Side of The Moon, and let`s not forget The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, which he, along with Syd Barret made some pretty amazing stuff.

Dont get me wrong though, Roger was amazing too, as much as he was a jerk. Lets not forget Wish You Were Here. (The Album)

edit: just put it on, Welcome to the Machine :crazy:

The Wall?? …
death is very natural, hes just ascending to better places…
and even though he is not here anymore
the music will be forever.
by the way,
working class hero

Well said.

I love the beatles, yes. :anx: How can you tell :smile:

by the pic ofc :wink:
do you create music?

Yes! I also play their music, and a lot of other stuff too. Most of the songs I post in the lyrics thread i play.