I had a dream about washing myself in salt. I read in a dream dictionary that salt is a very bad dream symbol. That is means that your life is about to turn to anarchy. You will get into fights with everyone! Does anybody else have an opinion on this?
Since you are going to get into fights with everyone we dont wish to talk to you anymore:)
ps.I dont think its wise to read all those dream explanation thingos
Well i dont see wuts so bad about salt or how that can be interpeted bad. But i have heard people say before that you should be skeptical about certain dream interpertation sources and they are not always reliable. But its better to be safe then sorry so i think you shouldn’t worry bout it to much but just keep an eye out for things.
If you believe in dream prophecy and the accuracy of that dictionary, you should worry…
I believe dreams have metaphors reflecting your inner-self, and you have the best guess to what they symbolize.
I don’t think it’s accurate to say that dreams are entirely random. They’re the result of your subconscious generating situations from your memories, and then reacting to them.
What this means, is that if you dream about something particularly troubling, then there might be an issue there. Your subconscious has a way of knowing about things that you don’t pick up. However, a troubling dream is not one based on salt . If it wasn’t for that dream dictionary you read, you wouldn’t have even thought of it as a bad thing at all.
Therefore, there was no problem until you read that damn book. That’s what I call a self-destructive exersise
HAHAHA very true. Don’t let you fool yourself, Bardess, you are the only one who adds meaning to your dream symbols, there is no such thing as a magical “subconsciousness”-manual that translates vague symbols in specific concepts. You can identify with any interpretation you like. You can always choose to follow certain external interpretations, like this kind of books or complex interpretation systems like Jung, and then it COULD direct your life, and give meaning to it… But it’s also possible to interprete them yourself… or even NOT interprete them and take them for what they are.
That last option is the one I prefer to choose, because I have noticed that when I interprete a dream situation in one way or interprete it in another, completely reverse way, BOTH interpretations become meaningful… So it says more about how my mind interpretes everything and organizes reality in such ways that everything seems “logical” and “understandable” to me than about the the adequacy of these interpretations. If I interprete salt as “my life will become full of anarchy” then I will interprete my life that way, select all life events that fit my interpretation and the statement becomes true. But if I interprete it as “my life becomes very organized and simple” then I will interprete everything the other way and again the statement becomes true. And in both cases I will be very proud about my “dream interpretation skills” . Since I don’t like to be tricked by my mind I now prefer to take the dream salt on my dream fries for what it is, just salt, and enjoy it without adding all kinds of meaning .
Though I do find dream dictionaries entertaining. I do take everything they say with a grain of salt. pardon the pun Perhaps you read the book before you dreamt of the mentioned dream. Then you could have implanted such a connection between anarchy and salt.
wait a second… anarchy is something bad?!
Damn, I always thought it was the other way round… gg
Who said anarchy was bad?
It just means ‘Chaos’, or ‘Lack of order’. Perhaps having a life full of anarchy simply means you don’t tidy your room very often?
They say that after 4 years it doesnt get any worse:)