Yes well if you really want to do some nitpicking, you also had to take into account the other relativistic effects due to the high speeds:

  • the mass of an object increases with increasing speed and becomes infinitely high at the speed of light.
  • the length contraction of an object travelling at high speeds.

Thén we may ask ourselves: will Santa die from instant vaporization, extreme obesity or inverse spaghettification? Can you work this out as well in your calculations? :tongue:

he will get vaporized before there is time to do anything else like boil the kettle or watch grass grow

Are you sure? The vaporization happens after 0.00426 seconds, so there’s still a small amount of time that he travels at those high speeds. Why then do you conclude that he isn’t dead already (by extreme obesity or inverse spaghettification) before he gets vaporized?
Gimme some proof if you can :tongue:

he will only be heavier by a few grams becos ALOT of energy is only tiny matter and the inverse spagetification will be only by a few cm becos he isn’t going that fast, well not compared to the speed of light but the grass on the other hand won’t like the intense heat and it wil bail out causing super-heated nitrogen gas to be released from its butt so the grass will not have time to grow but the kettle will be so deformed it will have a fire in the hole and get extreme gangreen from below zero temperatures but it wiill use too much power causing the antibacterial cleaner finally to get its hotdogs to the moon thus causing pluto to have an apoletic fit

That sounds reasonable to me…

You mean relitive to earth right?

But doesn’t this black hole idea go back to warping space. Warping is moving space, which is completely different to moving an object within space. Sanata could be traveling at 2 m.p.h, that is within the space. The space around him could travel at infinte speeds, and he wouldn’t gain mass (exept for the mass he gets at going at 2 m.p.h), and time wouldn’t slow down reletive to earth.

Back to the object going through space. So what! He has 0.000006079259168951301381646422 less time. I’m sure he can leave 0.000006079259168951301381646422 earlier to make sure he gets the whole job done.

May I also point out that we (at the moment) haven’t create technology that moves an object at the speed of light through space. So his best bet is to go with warp technology (that we… also haven’t created :bored: I would like to refere back to rudulf though, and his warp producing nose)

So thus, I conclude, SANTA DOES EXIST.

since ur all lik physic geniuses and i never studied could you then explain the gyroscope, because u said the faster sumin moves the more mass it gets but gyroscopes seem to be the opposite of that effect cus they r stationary in space pretty much but they have a revolving piece that moves really fast that decreases their mass. i remember seein on a show 1 time a guy had lik a 100 pound gyroscope on the end of a pole and when it was turned on he could lift it up and moving it around through the air with ease with his arm straight. pretty cool stuff i wonder if those things have a place in our future technology.

Gyroscopes don’t reduce its mass, but due to their speed they show signs such as precession (the slow wobbling of spinning objects, such as when you spin a toy top) and because of their speeds, an angular momentum and a torque appear. The torque is directed according to the axis of rotation and goes upwards, thus creating the illusion that the mass has reduced: mass never decreases or increases; only the weight changes due to the torque which is opposite to the gravity force, thus reducing the total effect of gravity on the gyroscope.
If for some reason the direction of the torque goes downwards along the axis of rotation then the gyroscope’s mass seem to increase. But I don’t think this is physically possible, to direct the torque downwards… The torque and angular momentum increase ofcourse with increasing speed of the gyroscope, and they both vanish when speed is zero.

Someone on another forum asked what we thought when we found out santa didn’t exsist. and after thinking about it this was my reply.

Hope it gives you all something to think about :content:

Merry Christmas all

Yes I agree. I did have a sarcastic comment, however it’s christmas so I’ll save it.

Mystic just out of curiosity is there a book or site that has the whole proof thing in it.

There are many sites about this :smile:

For instance:

While searching for a link, I came across a good explanation of this proof:

I think this says it all :tongue: