Save the Forest of Broceliande !

I don’t know if it’s a very good idea to put a petition here. But if some of you are interested, could they :

  1. correct my english ! :grin:
  2. spread it on more proper english forums (for instance UK celtic forums) ?

The Forest of Broceliande is the mythical heart of Brittany and the living theatre of Arthurian legends. Each year, thousands of nature lovers, following the Knights of the Round Table tracks, come and meditate near dolmens and ponds, under thousand-year-old oaks, walk through the Valley of No Return, where Morgaine imprisoned so many knights on the Graal Quest, or peasibly sit down near the Barenton Spring which reflected Merlin the Enchanter and Vivian the Fairy first love. :content:

However, apparently insensitive to this soft atmosphere of magic and legend, a household refuse disposal firm decided to establish an immense rubbish dump at 40 meters of the forest edge. The rubbish dump would be 15 meters up. The project is located at two kilometers of the castle which shelters the Arthurian Legend Center and at the same distance from the ponds which dissimulate the crystal palace of Vivian.
Worse, this firm continuously acquires grounds at the edge of the forest, and we can suppose that its intention, in the long term, is to transform Broceliande outskirts into a gigantic dustbin ! :grrr:

Of course, rubbish dumps are needed, but couldn’t they be established elsewhere than in a mythical place which remains, through centuries of poetry, the symbol of purity and fairyhood of nature?

There is more information on the “Sauvegarde de Brocéliande” Association pages.
But… but, that’s the problem, the information is only in French, that’s why I’ve translated the main points :

The project proves to be dangerous at many titles and overlooks an impressing number of points :

  • it is completely unaware of the country holidays and cultural aspect, even concluding with the lack of local cultural inheritance in Broceliande !
  • it is located at 2 km from the ponds of Comper, registered on the European Natura 2000 list, due to the presence of dying out flora and fauna species;
  • placed on a springs-encircled height, on a particularly permeable and fissured ground, it does not fulfill the requirements of water laws;
  • it is located on a site which is mentionned in the departmental file of the major risks of forest fires. However, though the project makes clear that the rubbish dump presents important risks of fire starts, an hydrocarbons storage is also envisaged and no serious fire prevention system appears in the project;
  • its localization into a Zone of Faunistic and Floristic Interest does not appear in the project file;
  • etc, etc.

For those interested in signing the petition, i’ll try to translate the petition in (very poor :tongue: ) English, too :

There is not electronic petition: you’ll have to post your reply to the address which is mentioned at the bottom of the petition. I asked to the associations, foreign people signatures are welcome ! That’s why I have put this petition here… and I hope you’ll find a better location for it ! :tongue:

Last point : where can you find the petition ? You can download it on the link above. In the “Documentations” menu on the left, click on “Populaires” and download “La petition”.

I hope I didn’t get on your nerves with my concerns. :bored: Thank you for your patience ! :wink: