Saying and meaning - quality or quantity?

I was wondering about the quality and quantity of autosuggestion.

I was just reading n00dle’s topic so I’ll use I am Lucid as example.
Which would be better?

500 times “I am Lucid”, after the first 50 times becoming meaningless or 50-100 times “I am Lucid” full of meaning, really believing it?

I was wondering if quantity really matters, and if so, over quality? (so as I said, saying a lot and not meaning it, or saying it few times and meaning it)

definitely quality … it’s the same with reality checks too

So 50 times saying it with feeling would pwn saying it 500 times meaningless?

That’s what I’ve been doing wrong… After 50 times I was like “Wtf I’ve already done 50, I’m starting to get tired”, and the rest was kind of without meaning and feeling.