I get scalp pain, when trying to induce lucid dreaming. It happens when im in the ‘‘transitional state’’ when HH starts and overall body tingeling and twitching subsides.
My question is scalp pain normal when trying to induce LD’s?
I get scalp pain, when trying to induce lucid dreaming. It happens when im in the ‘‘transitional state’’ when HH starts and overall body tingeling and twitching subsides.
My question is scalp pain normal when trying to induce LD’s?
Scalp pain meaning headache? HH always makes me feel like im super hung over until its over. Lots of noise and feelings of falling and spinning.
I haven’t had any pain when trying to get lucid.
It is possible that it was a HH.
I have read it on the dutch sleep paralysis page on the dutch Wikipedia examples of hallucinations and on of the tactile hallucinations A painful sensation in the head. The tingling is also a HH.
Do you also hear voices when you feel tingling?
yeah after a loud tinnitus kinda voice normal voices turn into voices of somebody Calling or short thump noises inrl sound like somebody said ‘‘hello’’ or something they mold but i never got to the stage where i really could say i truly Heard voices my HH is usually faces short 3 seconds never had a real HH experience exept the ones where u feel like you are inside a tunnel or in a water of colors?
nah more like a Sharp pain like somebody is pressing their nail into ur palm idk maybe its cause i have long hair and it makes preassure on my scalp but i tried moving it but its Always the same
also sometimes when im lucky and i dont get the scalp pain one of my leg ís kind of straining and i cant move it cause i fear i might loose the state LOL its all soo frustrating like u guys are so lucky do it in like 30mins i get my faces HH in like 1 hour D,:
I cannot remember that i ever feld that i was inside a tunnel or in a water of colors but a tunnel i can remember it vague. I read that this is a state where you are entering a dream.
It is HH. I also had it when i was 8 years old.
See this topic:
ld4all.com/forum/viewtopic.p … w=previous
On the dutch forum somone told me that it is a HH. First i don’t know what is a HI or HH and i thought that it was sleep paralysis or a false awakening but now i learned that it its a HH. You are awake but you still see things and hear things.
I think it is also a HH. I also read Sense of touch on the dutch Wikipedia.
If you cannot move you are in sleep paralysis.
If you are not afraid you can close your eyes and trying WILD.
If you are in sleep paralysis it is easier to enter a lucid dream.
While you are in sleep paralysis there is a chance that you see hallucinations. The same hallucinations as HH. It is possible that the HHs are scary but it is not real. When you close your eyes and try WILD there is a bigger chance that you can enter a lucid dream. You can also simulate a dream when you close your eyes while you are in sleep paralysis. It is possible that you can enter a (real) LD.
I once stumbled upon some lucid dreaming tips, one of which was to massage your scalp before you go to bed. It even contains a link to scalp massaging techniques. Maybe you could give it a try
[7 Lucid Dreaming Tricks You Didn't Know)
Oh wow you guys, thankyou so much il def try ´tht!
Scalp pain is commonly symptoms of head injury or headaches. It is better to know the type of pain you are experiencing, this is to determine the proper treatment or medication. I’m not sure if it has relation with lucid dreams. There are lots of pain killer medicines now. I take neurontin 800 mg as prescribed by my doctor.