I have heard stories of Hallucinations in WILD that are very scary and realistic, I want to WILD, but im scared that these hallucinations will make me not want to.
Just so you know, i can get scared pretty easily,
so if you have tips to make it so i don’t think of scary things, that would be great :3
Well, I used to try WILD a lot and succeded at least twice in it. A SP was the worst thing that happened to me and, as I was well aware on what was going on, it wasn’t scary at all. Annoying for sure, but not scary.
Anyway, I understand why you are scared. I was somewhat worried when I tried for the first time. I mean, the unknown is always scary, isn’t it?
Like Blackwolf mentioned, most of the scariest things aren’t scary when you know what’s going on. The hypnogogic imagery is only the starting of dreams. The main reason people associate things like a ghost or demon with SP is because they don’t know what is happening.
In SP, the body has basically fallen asleep already. You panic thinking “oh god I can’t move!” You automatically begin thinking the worst, expecting something must be preventing you from moving or something terrible must be happening. You open your eyes, and since your SC is going into dream mode and capable of hallucination, it provides the expectation.
It’s all about what you expect. If you know what is happening, you know nothing is really there. It’s easy to stay calm. If you expect something frightening, you’ll probably see it. The key is to not worry, it’s all just a dream in the end.
Oh, and another tip. A person who used to post here once mentioned their way around HI. When they opened their eyes, they expected to see a hot girl laying on them and that was preventing them from moving. You know what? It works.
But there is one major final thing: if you attempt WILD 4-6 hours after first going to sleep rather than at the very beginning of the night, you’re much less likely to get SP or HI and will go into the dream much faster. That, above all, is the best advice I can give. Best of luck!