What if I want it too badly? What can I do then? What if I dont want it enough? What if Im doing something wrong? What if I never get lucid? How long will I have to wait? Is there an easier method? What if I’m too impatient and I never get it?What if I can’t recall my dreams? What if I set my alarm too early or too late? What if this uncertain attidtude is making it so I cant? What if I can never get out of it? What if I just can’t do it?
I’m very new to all this…Can someone just guide me pls?
There really is no problem in most of what you seem to be worrying about. There is no such thing as wanting it too badly, and doing so won’t cause you to fail more often. If you don’t want it enough, then you probably wouldn’t be writing posts on a Lucid Dreaming forum expressing your fear of doing something wrong.
If you never get lucid, then you are the only person on Earth with such a handicap. How long will you have to wait? I hope you don’t expect anything other than a lose answer to that. It took me a week, then several months for the next one. It takes some people 3 months, others can do it every day from the start of their lives.
Easier methods include external devices like the DreamNova, or the more affordable ‘music’ induction methods. If you’re too impatient you need to accept that it might not happen for a while, but hope that it will. As soon as you learn that it’s simply a matter of wanting it, the uncertainty should go away. You shouldn’t be worried about not being able to get out of it. The rest of us are trying as hard as we can to extend the time we have there!
If you just can’t do it, then it’s because you are telling yourself that you can’t. Self-hypnosis is quite powerful, so be optimistic about this. And remember, everyone can do it. It’s not a special ability posessed only by a few chosen people. It’s a natural ability that absolutely anyone can do.
I was also in the start a bit worried about all of that, most afraid that I would never have an LD. But then (the night I had my first LD) I woke up for WILD. When I got back to bed I just thought that this is the time when I’m going to have one if ever And it worked. Self-hypnosis is very helpful.
Hey, I totally remembered a ton of stuff today when I woke up. At first it was a blur (I remembered a teenager and her mother having fun in a supermarket) But then when i was going to the bathroom it all just came rushing! I was sooo happy and excited because I Might actually be able to do this!!! It was sooo cool!
Hey…what all can you do with Lucid dreaming? Can you make dreams seem like they last much longer then they do? I’m sort of confused to all of this…being able to do anything sounds waaay too good to be true…but is it true?
Also…I always have trouble falling asleep sometimes…Will me going to sleep at 2Am and waking up at 12 PM affect anything?
Should I just try not to have a lucid dream for about a week? So far, I have 3 entries in my dream journal…
Also, I’m near obsessed with this…what should I do to prepare for the time when a week has passed?
of course you cant do ANYTHING. There is one thing stopping you, your own unconsius mind. From first time you go lucid you will encounter the force of your unconsius mind in form of: example: If you want to fly, something will hold you down. Your unconsiusness will try to force everything to act as normal, but you must be headstrong to do claim victory over it, then you can achive everything in the grasp of your imagination.
In the beginning your lucid dreams will be short, due to your mind will race as fast as you discover that you are dreaming. Its very useful to use meditation exersises to calm your mind and begin to understand the way your own mind works.
The preparations is to use differnt teqnuices, If you find a pattern in your dreams, maby an item that is very often in them. Then you should think everytime you see that item or event “Am i dreaming?”. Thats a very good way for the first time Lucid dream. Then you should go to try WILD exercises.
And you cant get stuck in a LD, its like you cant get stuck in a normal dream.
Just try to calm yourself and use your mind, then it will sort itself out.
So like…it’ll try to convince you you cant and that everythings real? I once had a sort of lucid dream a few years back where I said “Wait a minute…im dreaming!” but the monsters chasing me convinced me that I wasnt…they did everything they could…
Also…i’m finding that looking at my hands or a map or smoething and asking “Am I Dreaming” is becoming very difficult…Do some people just click through it no matter what? I’m trying my hardest to do the “Am I dreaming” and “How did I get here” exercises, but its very hard…
Any other tips you could offer me?
Also…Can we do harm to ourselves in a dream? I mean, its kinda like using a RAM Hacking device for a video game…your doing something unsupported. You coudl screw everything up! So…if I were shot in the head, would I lose my memory or anything?
Reminds me of when I first had my ld. I had been trying for 3 months beforehand and finally gave up. Well around the time I gave up I got really sick with the flu and had trouble falling asleep at nights, and that is when I had my first ld. It was around 4 in the morning and I hadnt slept at all, so I decided to just lie on my back and try to do the WILD technique. I guess my body fell asleep from sheer tiredness quite quickly, because what seemed 2 minutes later I was already feeling that tingly sensation you get right when you are about to fall asleep.
At that point, I just waited and started seeing images appear until finally I had entered the lucid dream.
Just a suggestion that sometimes you can’t always induce that first Lucid dream. Sometimes just reading about it and performing reality checks is enough for a lucid dream, but most often dream journals are required and so is dedication.
So I suppose the purpose of my message was to not try so hard that you end up frustrating yourself, because when you enter that stage of frustration that is when you cant picture yourself in a lucid dream, and that changes your sub concious accordingly.
No, lucid dreaming is pretty safe. Just think about that we are dreaming in average 5 times every night. It means that you have dreamt probably ten thousands of times during your life. And the experience of many lucid dreamers says the same thing. If you have a mental disorder which makes it hard for you to differ dreams from reality, however, you should consult with your doctor before trying to LD. But the fewest of us have problems like this, so there is really nothing to worry about
RF, there’s nothing to worry about at all. Dreaming is something that we do everynight. Usually your subconscious is running the show. Its making up stories and situations, characters and symbols. When you’re LDing you are just putting your conscious mind in a position of control. Don’t worry about getting stuck in a dream or that you won’t be able to have one. You’ll get there. It may happen all at once and you may have to work at it. Its just a matter of retraining your brain to dream in a different way than it has all your life… some habits can be hard to break.
And as for wanting it badly… everyone that participates in this forum wants to achieve a level of lucid dreaming mastery. We drool over it and think about it all the time. Welcome to the club!!
The wors thing i ever experienced was that i opened my eyes after i had fall down and “died” from some high building, and actually forced me to think again. It was as my mind was blank.
But i havent heard anything as this from someone else, so i dont think its a common thing. LD is as any dream, have you ever been hurt in a dream? Your mind is just putting on a show that concists of just electrones that is running through your brain, when you are lucid, you can understand what to do for the enviorment around you to react. The thing is to actually become Lucid. And when you do, you must act directly to break free from the show, or else you will be dragged along in the stream of thoughts. I have had some of those, “im dreaming, ohh what did you say again?” and then ramble along the dream. Very irritating, but you actually must force yourself out of the stream of the dream and create your own.