Scary lucid dreaming

I’m new to this site and lucid dreaming although most of you may find it strange but I don’t like lucid dreaming my dreams are scary I have a reoccurring one where a ghostly lady is chasing me around my house and I have to slam the door shut before she gets to me but each time she seems to get closer I also have had one where I was trying to sit up in my bed but couldn’t move as there was hands forcing my head down onto my pillow I never have the great ones u all talk of about flying ect I’m at the point where I’m to scared to go to sleep some nites my partner is trying to b supportive but has no idea about lucid dreaming I sometimes wonder if he even belives what I am telling him is possible I wake him up on average 3 times a night as I’m so scared or I’ve woken him to ask if I’m dreaming or if I’m awake as sometimes I don’t trust my own judgement I often go from one ld to another straight wake I was wondering if there is any tips on stopping them or if not at least any tips of having nice experiences as I said this is all very new to me and maybe it’s the fear of the unknown but it scares me that there may b dangers or I might start walking around my house and fall or something but any information or tips on this would b a great help, thanks

There are very easy and reliable ways to check whether you are dreaming or not, called RC’s. The (in my opinion) best one is the nose RC. You hold your nose so that you wouldn’t be able to breathe IRL. Then you try to take a few deep breaths, when you can breathe, you’re dreaming. Do more than one RC to be completely sure you’re dreaming or awake.

About the scary dreams. There are loads of ways to stop them. You can try facing the threat, fighting it, screaming at it, approaching it, hugging it, aksing what it wants, and so on. The only thing you need to remember is: This is your dream. There is absolutely no reason to be afraid. Nothing can harm you there and, most importantly, you are in control! So, go ahead and show that ghost woman who’s the boss in dreamland! :wink:

Thanks for the info I will confront the lady and hope it all goes well I will also try holding my nose could u suggest a few more tips on realising if I’m awake or dreaming that way I can b sure my partner will get a good nites sleep

There are… (some copied from a tutorial in the Knowledge Base)

Finger Through Palm – Take any of your fingers and try to stick it into your palm. If your finger goes through then you’re dreaming!

Hand Check - Look at your hands. Do they look weird? How many fingers do you see? If there are more or less than 5 per hand, you must be dreaming.

Changing Text- Look at some text, look away and look back at the same text you looked at. Did it change? If you see the text change from what it originally was then you’re dreaming. The text might also change while you look at it.

Clock Check - Similar to the text one. Look at a clock, look away, lock back. Does the time changes, does the clock behave/look weirdly?

Electronic devices - Test if any electronic device works correctly. Trying to turn the light next to your bed on is fine, maybe it doesn’t work?

One more thing in case you feel that you are unable to move: it may be simply a sleep paralysis. Remember that it is totally natural as our bodies are almost completely paralyzed when we sleep so we would not act out what we are doing in dreams. No need to worry.

Well, that’s why it would be good for you to try lucid dreaming, to gain control over them.

Furthermore, if this happens repeatedly, you could even use them as a dreamsign! Before you fall asleep, repeat ‘‘when I see the ghost people, I will know I am dreaming’’. That bad thing might as well turn into a very good one.

[mod]This post was moved from another topic where the original poster had duplicated the questions in this one. :dragon:[/mod]