
Can lucid dreams be scarey? Like maybe a lucid nightmare?

well yes you could have a lucid nightmare, but see…
if u are lucid, then it won’t be scary to you.
you could kick the monster’s ass or you could just simply change your dream.

Some lucid dreams are so real. The last lucid dreams I’ve had, I was wondering if the RC went wrong or something, because it all felt so real.

Beyond that, I basically am scared of getting hurt when I do such things as flying, running, or whatever. It’s not like a nightmare, but when I’m landing after a flight, I’m so afraid that my knees will hurt, or something.

But you are supposed to not be afraid of nightmares in lucid dreams. :smile: As Hraesvelg said, kick the monster or change the dream.

yes, if you don’t feel like fighting with the monster, change the dream.
And how do you do that? A lot of people say that their dreams change when they blink

Thanx so much guys, that helps me feel better. I just have alot of nightmares and don’t want a “lucid nightmare”. Especially the first time I do it on purpose and acctually know for sure I am having an LD. I really appreciate it.

No problem.
If u have a problem, just ask :wink:

I’d say lucidity is like the oposite of nightmare. The more lucid you are, the more clearly you understand it’s a dream and nothing can hurt you there.

What makes a nightmare scary isn’t the monster itself, but the fact you think it’s real! :tongue:

But, well, monsters in movies aren’t real and can still be scary. But at least you know you shouldn’t really be afraid.

I mean, you can see some scary things in a LD, but it’s a lot easier and rewarding to face them.


From my experiance, if i get scared in a LD, i usually either wake up or the LD turns into a ND.[/color]

Just like any dream, a LD can be scary. But unlike normal dreams, in an LD you have ability to change it so it’s Not-so-scary. :content:

This is how I change my dreamscape:

one time I was in a lucid dream and I wanted to see if I could wake my self up. But when I tried to the dreamscape changed instead. I tried to wake up a few more times, but every single time the dreamscape changed instead.

So, you can try to wake yourself up and hope the same thing happens, or you can close your eyes and say "when I open my eyes the dream scape will have changed.

Or you can take a more direct approach: fly away to a new dreamscape somewhere else, or teleport away :content: but I will warn you that teleporting is ALOT harder to learn than flying. I still havent mastered teleporting after all this time Ive been LDing. But if you can, than great! :grin: :smile: :content: :happy: :cool: :wink:

Nah, when i try to wake up, i usually wake up lol

You’ll be surprised over how uncomplicated everything is in a lucid dream. Fear is just a situation in your dream, and if you don’t want it you wish it away. If you’d end up lucid in a nightmare just reach out and pull yourself into this big warm pool of positive energy (How cheesy isn’t that I know, but seriously, it feels so good - positive energy is materialized in your dream).

the only thing that could be actually scary is having a chain of false awakenings.

Even that though depends on your outlook. Whenever I get chains of FA’s like that, I look at them optimistically and am happy. Usually everyone turns into either a lucid moment, or a lucid dream :tongue:

Moral of the story: It’s only scary if you fear it.

true. for me it’s not so much worrying that i’ll never wake up, like some. it’s just the idea of thinking i’m really awake and then having something crazy happen, like my mom coming at me with a knife or something equally scary happening. i wouldn’t like that.

when a lucid dream turns into a nightmare, it’s not a LD anymore. I have had the old hag experience though, that is quite a bit worse than nightmares for me. :cry: