It was dark in my room and a friend of mine spent the night over and we were watching tv, it was quiet for a time and i thought he was sleeping and so was I gonna do…
I got my computer on and I listened to the sound of the cooler, a weak noice, but enough to hear when the TV was off… I listened and was kinda consentrated when suddenly the noice was going clearer and louder, and i didn’t think of it so much for 2-3 minutes when suddenly it kinda exploded in my ears and it felt like a cold wind through my spine and I opened my eyes and I wasn’t really sure what happened to me, I was scared as hell and I asked my friend if he was awake, but no answer, and with real frustration I screamed “WAKE UP DAMMIT!!” (In swedish)… But no answer, so i was about to get up and wake him, but, i couldn’t move, I was paralysed and scared to death and i screamed like hell, when I was in a strange state of mind thinking to myself “It’s not worth it, just consentrate…” and suddenly I was able to move, and I asked my friend if he was awake, and so he was… I was really mad at him becouse he didn’t answer me before but he told me I dind’t say anything… I turned the lights on and didn’t sleep much that night…
What was this? Something you could explain or is it just me who should visit a mental hospital?
Yes it was a sleep paralyses…or SP.
That can happen when you enter consciously a level between sleep and waking. Because in the transsition from waking to sleep things change in your brain, like the movement of muscles are blocked. Else it would be very dangerous to dream. like when you would run in your dream your real body would also run, that would be quite dangerous. Those signals are then blocked because of the brain part in the brain we call the pons.
You entered a level between sleep and waking and you call that a trance.
So you were in a trance, consciously aware yet not able to move.
Trehjuling it happens to ppl now and then…i wouldnt say often!
But for some regular yes.
If you ever have it again try the following advice!
Relax! Try to totally relax and understand why ppl fear it is because of there lack of control. When you relax in a SP u get faster control back then when you fear and cramp mentally!
That is because part of your brain is related to rem stage and your conscious is not…so when you relax and synchronize your conscious with the fact that you are in a light sleep stage control will come back sooner and easier. Fear just blocks control here.
Also remember that fear here is just fear for the unknown and lack of control not because there is really something threatning you!
So fear here is a choice because you are confronted with the unknown.
Iam routined with SP and i love it…i know when i relax how well this stage can be transformed to selfhypnosis granting me any mental experience i want from choice
Good luck and dont fear to much
There are no tigers out there.
Sometimes I get the feeling or just a thought of this, and i get a strong feeling it is about to happen and I just start moving and think of something else or “let it go”, But I might just “confront” it, though I’m scared to death:)
Look the first times i had a SP i was also not as glad with it as iam now
you get used by it when you realize there is no real danger.
Oh i heared that when you let your vingertips touch them selves you also snap sooner out of it. Never needed to try that myself, i use them for selfhypnosis when i get them, withs is very rare.
I´d gladly take some of your sleep paralyses if I could
I know it´s probably a really frightening experience at first, but I never had one and really wish I would. I am sure you´ll appreciate it as soon as you overcome your fear
I wake up with SP so much im used to it, I love it now. The first time it happened to me I got a feeling of fear and was scared, but I eventually just let it happen and felt it get stronger, almost like a buzzing. I have fun with it now knowing it doesnt end up lasting long.