Scensory depervation....

Has anyone tried it, Ive allways wanted to, but its kind of hard finding a scensory depervation tank. Ive hard you can simulate numbness by using cotton balls, but that would take alot of cotton balls. Does anyone know anyway you could do this at home. I can use earplugs to deprive sound, and a night mask to deprive sight, but is there any other way to deprive touch. Ive tried the tub, but you have to have the water at the exact tempeture of your body.

I think it’s ok just to use a nightmask and earblugs, if you don’t move and just lay down for a while.
We tried that sometimes, with withe noise and earphones, and after 20 minutes or so, I didn’t feel my legs any more!

This is what is called the “ganzfeld state” and it doesn’t require a “sensory depervation tank”

In the “ganzfeld state” it’s believed that your level of awareness is raised and you are more susceptible to ESP. Telepathy, remote viewing, etc. can be more easily reached in this state.

You can google it and find lots of methods on inducing it. It usually involves headphones with white noise, and a mask over the eyes but with a soft yellow light to create a glow.

Is there anyway this could be achived at home, I have head phones, and I could get a mask. Would white noise from a T.V. work? How could I get a light to work?

not to sound dumb or anything but what is sencery deprivation? :sad:

We used a blank cassette with high volume and unhalved pingpong balls. But I think the white noise of a TV will also work.

the white noise of a tv has worked before for me, it makes me hear the tone in my mind, but only if i’m not in my bed and not at all tired, but still want to go to sleep anyway.

some of the oddest meditational states i’ve had at my grandparents while experiencing insomnia, listening to a ticking clock, my heartbeat, static white noise on the tv.

it gets my mind rining, very briefly, and then sends me jolting back into reality.

exactly! unhalved ping pong balls are what I’ve heard works good. A yellow bug light can be used to create the glow.

If you have a FM headset, you can try to find a frequency with no station and that would create white noise.

you could use bwgen! (look in the library for a tutorial)

It means that you try to create an enviroment that doesn´t offer any stimulation:
Nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to feel…

This can cause hallucinations, OBEs and stuff like that pretty quickly