I’ve noticed a lot of people talking about going back to school, whether it be highschool, college, junior high, whichever. Different LDers seem to have different takes on whether or not school will help them with their quest for lucidity.
What are your takes on it? Any advice for using school as an advantage for LDing? Experiences? Anything? Hmm? Post 'em here!!
My first fully controllable lucid dream was when i was at school (in my dream). I think that it was so controllable because i knew every ‘nook and cranny’ so i could manipulate it far better than a bizarre environment. I became lucid in it because i was walking up stairs beside a schoolmate of mine and I said ‘‘Um we’re not meant to be going this way’’ and he said ‘‘what? it’s not like we’re dreaming or something!’’ and i knew that that is something he wouldn’t generally say.
Sure, school is great for lucidity. Just take a nap for the duration of the last period each day, and you’ll be all ready for lucid dreaming the following night.
Seriously though, I guess anything you do routinely each day (school, work, etc) can be useful for lucid dreaming. Firstly, you’re guaranteed to spend many nights dreaming about the location in question, particularly if a good portion of your social life occurs there. I guess you could use these predictable dreamscapes as signs to perform an RC.
Otherwise, I don’t really see how what you do during the day could so directly affect your ability to dream. Most of the effort is applied just before and after you wake up each night.
school is my life at the moment. I havent had a real break for a very long time now. School as was said before is great for routine, thats right school is great cause u change on the hour every hour or close enough to. so it is easy for people to RT.
i dream about school a fair amount or people from it. this way i can go lucid from the events that are out of the ordenary from school. but after saying that there is a major problem.
when i awake in the morning i dont have much time to write down my dreams. this has incressed my dream recall at no end as now i remember a dream through out the day no worries. also less sleep.
I’m with timeless, sort of.
I’ve been getting 9 hours of sleep, tops, since school started two weeks ago…While I’ve got a routine, true, it doesn’t make up for waking up at 5:45 AM, being jarred awake by an alarm, and having no time for a journal. Although it seems like the more I want to (And can’t) use my journal, the more dreams I remember. It’s been 1-2 a day the last 3 or 4 days.
So, in all, no, it kind of hurts it. Although I DID start in summer, maybe I’m just not used to it.
Infection I heared that magnets are very good against stress…
so go to school dressed in magnets…sort of magnet mummy and men you wont have stress at all and maybe you set a trend at your school lol
Well then again…maybe not lol
yeah, I made all my dream signs based off things in school, plus the bright red digital clocks in every class room help alot along with the schedule. I only had one LD during summer(which involved school too) due to chaotic sleeping schedules and lack of decent dream signs.