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[size=150][color=indigo]Crystal Moon: [/color][color=red]Seeking out the Shamans of the Earth[/color][/size]
[color=darkblue]Author/s: [/color][color=darkred]Explora[/color]
[color=darkblue]Last Edit: [/color][color=darkred]Crystal Moon, Seli 2. Kin 153, Red Planetary Skywalker. Yellow Cosmic Seed Year[/color]
[color=indigo]Each moon, through the Star Foundation, the Sea Life and First Earth Dreaming School forums run a fun mutual dreaming adventure or research project to learn more about our world, and the evolutionary path before ourselves, and our planet. During the Crystal Moon, we’ll be Seeking out the Shamans of the Earth, calling on the guidance of these teachers and healers - these bridgers of worlds.[/color]
[size=134][color=darkred]13 Moon Synchronometer[/color][/size]
click to see this moon’s artwork
click here to see this moon’s calendar
[color=darkblue]The 13 Moon Synchronometer, aligns us with the harmonic, natural rhythm of 13 Moons of 28 Days, helping us to enter into the flow of synchronicity and make conscious our telepathy. More information is available at the Planet Art Network. More moonly pictures can be found in our 13 Moon Synchronometer: Journey of the Peace Train.[/color]
[size=117][color=darkred]Seeking out the Shamans of the Earth[/color][/size]
[color=darkblue][b]In starting out with this project, it might be a good idea to look at what a “Shaman” actually is? Of course there’s no simple answer to this question, but let’s simplify:
In my eyes, the Shaman is often a strong dreamer, utilising his/her dreams and visions as a means of travel, and communication for messages between the earth and spirit worlds.
In developing Sea Life, I was in many ways inspired by the shamanic approach to dreaming. The mere description of Sea Life, as a forum aiming to bring together a larger circle of dreamers, ‘dreaming with and for the Earth itself’ makes this very clear.
To the Shaman, dreaming, is not just something that we do as individuals, within the frame of our own minds, but is also the means of entry into a Deeper Reality, in which we can interact with other dreamers, seek healing, receive messages from the spirit, undertake journeys of initiation, and so on.
As practising dreamers, it’s worth being mindful, that for many thousands of years, shamans have been refining and developing the somewhat timeless art of dreaming. Let’s just say we have alot to learn.
And thus we have this moon’s project; in short, our goal shall be to seek out an authentic Shaman, from within the dreaming, and to receive teaching or instruction. You might find it helpful to put your “call” out before you sleep, by means of a prayer for guidance and communication.