I have an idea for a poll.
“What month/time of the year did you have your first LD?”
or “what month/time of year do you have most LDs?”
Hmm… the first LD I can recall having occured in July. I know I had one before that, but I can’t remember what time of the year it was
The first very low-level LD was in April; first full-blown LD happened in May.
Most LDs so far happened in July (20). That’s got probably something to with the vacation
Yeah, I probably had the most LDs over the summer because I could concentrate on LDing more. For me, school and lucid dreaming isn’t a great combo I have heard from some people that school helps them with LDing. Wish that was the case for me…
So many odd things happen at school and on the way there or back (if you’re watching) that I find it useful for RCs.
Going way back my first LD was in the mouth of January. I have not noticed any seasonal effects on LD ‘s. The amount of effort I put into it seems to affect my LD frequency rather than the time of year.
Don’t know what day i had my first on it was too long ago.
I would say I dream best in Winter. I don’t sleep so good in the heat.
I don’t remember. I didn’t exactly write it down or anything, it was a few years ago.
umm let me c
there was one that i recorded b 4 that but i cant find it lol
You’ve been Lding since then and you’re that good already. I’m imressed
It doesn’t take so long to get good at LDs, with hard work and dedication. Look at Pedro!
Well, Pedro hasn’t been around for the last month…
My first LD was during springtime.
I had a lot of LD’s about winter and snow… But It may be because I learned LDing during the winter.
I’m stunned - a lot of my “natural” LDs (dreams in which I was lucid from the start of my recall) it’s snowing and in fact, I once became lucid and left the house and it started snowing straight away!
Just wondering but when you dream of it snowing can you feel them as hey land on you? Like the coldness and such.
I think so but my recall isn’t very good. I don’t mind the cold in my lucid dreams either.
lol thank you Dreamwalker, still got a while to go yet. Every Rem is my goal. Still when i get as good as u i will tel lyou.
It can, depends on how and what you do and how much effort you put into it. How long did it take pedro btw, was he a lder b 4 i cant remember
I think LD should be more about quality over quanity. I really think that thy should mean something to you because if they don’t they are pretty much worthless.
i totaly agree. i would rahter have 1 a week then 20 if that 1 ment a lot to me
I am not really sure what you mean. Every LD means something to me. It does not matter if I use a LD for some sort of personal development (spiritual or otherwise) or for pure entertainment. They are all good and have value to me.