Secert passages in my house.

Ive had many dreams about secert passages in my house. First had one as a young child where going into a closet led to a very long secert passage, at the end there was a room with somethingbad in it, dont remember what after that, butthe entire dream was scary.

A few years later im back in that same secert passage but this time i go in only to find im at some theme park with a moose chasing after me. I hide in an outhouse and get away.

I then had a dream more recenetyl (Within the last 2 years id say) where i found a secert passage in my basement and then another where i found one in my garage.

Anyone have any ideas about this? I just started getting into this dream stuff, and im hoping to go lucid soon and when i do idl ike to explore these secert areas in my house if i can. Besides that anything else i can learn from them?

i haven’t reached lucidity yet either, hopefully tonight, but i think that these secret passages may be places in your mind that youhave never gone to before.

Your subcontious (sp?) likes to use your house as your mind, and a clean room that seems “up to date” may be something you use often, such as your math skills, i don’t know, anyway if the room is dusty it may mean that you don’t use this area much and you need to “clean it up”

you should look up some things on dream interpretation and see waht it says certain areas of your “house” may represent.

dude i have similar dreams to that… I don’t understand them. like i had this dream i was in the laundry room and there was this little door with a stairway that lead down to this dark place. i remeber i was too scared to go all the way in so i ran out. I also have dreams about rooms in my house being full of junk but in real life they actually don’t have much in them.

I also have this dream occasionaly where i am in someones house i dunno who’s it is, but i am like fixated on this house and i take this stairway down… the house is always dim and the stairs are carpeted and i go down there to this strange room that is hard to explain. its cool and it seems like i am attracted to it… i don’t really understand it.

My dreams seemingly reek of secrets and things to be discovered. My house seems to have amorphous and infinite passages leading here and there. I’ve found a secret library in my high school, a torture chamber in my old elementary school (right next to an arcade), and as I play many video games, these influence my dreams greatly. I’ve found crazy secret things in game-themed dreams. Frequently, I find secret areas in discovered secret areas!

i remember one dream that took place in the house i grew up in, me and my sister were crawling through way long secret passage type thingys around the roof and stuff. i think if i remember right there actually was one thing you could crawl through like that in our old house, but in the dream it was insane how many there were.

I’ve had a dream like that, where I found a secret passageway from my room, down my chimney, and into a high-tech lair of the last guy that lived there

I think it has to do with wanting to escape from our family w/o leaving our houses

I have had a several ND-s about a room behind the mirror (IRL within my childhood home). One time this was a small library, other times, some small room for something else. I think that our brain can create interesting pictures about the places that somehow looked mystical to us, or smt like that. And once it is created, you will see those things over and over after years.

i luve secret passages :grin:

I second that, I love secret passages!!!

I’ve never had a dream where that happens but my mom always talks about a recuring dream she has where she finds a secret room in our house but doesn’t ever remember where it was or what it was like. That always creeps me out a little.

600 posts?
wow, you have more pasentents than i do

Well, when I was 6 years, I sometimes had a dream where I would find a way to the neighbors’ apartment through the balcony wall… And once I had a dream that in the end of the school corridor, instead of the stockroom, or the fire-escape, or whatever there was behind the door, I found a secret room with a time machine in it… I wanted this dream to repeat, so that I had enough time to use it, but it never did…
If I had many dreams full of secret rooms now, I’d try to use it when I get lucid. It’s like passing through the mirror or something like that, you begin the dream in your house, and then you just go to the nearest secret door and come to some new and interesting place…

In some OOBE’s people find secret passages and other things that existed in that place that you visit in your OOBE a long ago…
Makes you think, dosent it?
Maybe if you visit the place that, say Jesus were buried, you can se how it looked like 2000 years ago. Just as an example. :content:

Maybe a long, long, time ago, your house was part of the Underground Railroad (Harriet Tubman’s history) but the passages were blocked up. You never know the history of your house (unless you or someone you know made it).

could you please shorten your sig?


hehe Thanks for telling me. I got a storm of PMs telling me to :happy: