I’m not that new to LDing, but it’s been a few years since I’ve really attempted and concentrated on having them. But last night was the second night I’d started a DJ again and had started trying techniques to have an LD. I wasn’t sure if MILD would work that well, and it’s kinda hard for me to focus, so I wasn’t sure about WILD either. I decided to try using both, but I forgot the WILD and only had a bit of MILD. Fortunately, I had two dreams that I became lucid in; though I lost lucidity both times in the dreams. I may’ve even had a moment before them, but had started to wake up. I was lucid enough to ask my dream characters what they meant in the second one. The first one I’d considered looking for my SG or something like that but decided to stay in my current dream to talk with the current DCs. Even so… I’m almost afraid that I only dreamed that I was lucid when I wasn’t; but I have no clue how that would be possible. Anyway, I’m just happy that I’ve already had some successes so soon. ^^
Heh, welcome to the forums, Vera.
I’m glad for you, though, that you’ve had such success after picking up LDing again, it always feels good to come back to something later and remember how. I hope you can keep it up, and good luck to you. Happy dreaming!