Second time it happened? Found something in dream, then IRL?

Alrighty… I made another post like this a month-2 ago. I found two things that belonged to me that I never knew where they were IRL in my dream. So then after the dream I went to look for it, and bam there it was.
In this dream I had last night, I went and stuck my hand to the right under my bed ( I checked there before the dream, no luck. ) and then I moved some things around and found it in my dream! Since I decided that my SC see’s things that I don’t, I decided to have a look, and what do you know? I found my phone I’ve been hunting down for weeks now.

So I know the logic but I think people can use LDing as a way to find missing items in their house ( since our subconscious see’s things that we don’t, our sc will know what we want in our dream and where it is. )
Comments? The other time this happened was I had a pack of hershey kisses and in my dream it was in a certain spot and when I woke up it was in that spot. I’ve been looking for them for weeks. :tongue:

Oh yeah, a lot of people have talked about this in the passed. I’ve personally never used it to find missing things, but I think it goes somewhere along with the precog dreams. It is true, though, and it is said to work because our subconcious does remember where these things were put, we just need a way to unlock it. :razz: And since we are closes to our subconcious in lucid dreaming, it’s only normal that we can find these things while LDing.

It’s not that the subconscious sees things that we don’t, it’s that our subconscious REMEMBERS things that we don’t. But that’s kind of a weird statement to say isn’t it? Because our subconscious is a part of us, so saying that our subconscious (which is a part of the idea of ‘we’) can see or remember something that ‘we’ don’t, then to whom does the subconscious belong? It’s a weird thing to think about??

Our mind can remember alot of things that we don’t remember. Becuase we store up information in our mind and then forget about it later. I hope this helps. That’s very wild.