Seduction through mind control

[color=darkblue]It isn’t all in your head if it gets results but this isn’t what we are talking about here. Everyone displays subtle cues, body language, auto-suggestion. This isn’t to do with placebos having an effect- this way of timing speech and leading people to certain conclusions is a way of influencing people that everybody does everyday.

Weather this is just asking nicely if you want something off someone or being aggressive and not allowing people to walk all over you. By doing this, you are reducing the other persons options in the situation and they may be led by you into acting how you want them to act.

In addition, most people also conform into a society and so in a way you are part of a big system of mind control already and probably aren’t even aware of it…[/color]

Interesting… It never ocurred to me that this could be considered immoral until I read some of the replies here. Why compare it to rape when no physical or mental abuse is involved? It sounds pretty subtle to me. Anyway, I’d be interested in hearing some success stories before I try it out. I’d hate to waste an hour a day on something that doesn’t work… not to discourage anybody from trying.

I realize that, but these guys were normally ignored by girls. They simply got more confident. And in my expirience and that of my father’s, confidence is more attrctive that anyhting else.

I’ve heard from a study done, that body language and vocal tone makse up 95% of communication to women. So, have good posture boys, and make eye contact, boys. People notice, hehe.

True, you can be aggressive, but this technique is supposed to soften them up even before you go talk to them.

Bahhh, I dont believe in this type of stuff though. Theres something about it that is just plain unethical. Give the girl a choice, I say. Ahh, I would recommend David Deangelo for the aspiring ladies man, though. His concept of attraction is basically confidence, teasing of the girl, and body language. Its very interesting, I think. I read up on it, hes very good. It`ll get you a date, thats for sure :smile:

[color=darkblue]All the things I said about timing, body langauge etc… are confidence based.

I love the name by the way: Amused Himself to Death. :lol: [/color]

Now thats one scary concept…:smile:

Alright, so a quick update…

I have been practicing those techniques on a certain girl that I have liked for quite some time and i think i’ve gotten some pretty interesting results.

Before i started doing this, she hardly ever spoke to me and we rarely communicated. She is naturally a very shy person and doesn’t usually go out of her way to start up conversations with people and such. However, recently we have been talking much more… and it’s not just me, SHE is the one who is approaching me and starting conversations. She also mentioned that we need to hang out more which really blew me away. I’m really starting to think there might actually be something to this so called “mind control”… but who knows? We’ll see where it goes from here.

With results like that i will give it a chance :eek:

Nice work, bigjedman! You say she was shy towards you and your manipulation changed that? How interesting, I wonder if you could turn her personality upside down without ever speaking to her about it.

I also wonder what happens if you try it on a stranger you’ve seen only once while going about your daily business? Or someone who you’ve heard of and see all the time, like a famous actor?

Well, she was shy towards me but now i find myself with a date with her .:content: I can only assume one thing…

Yeah Derren brown is a awesome guy, seen all he’s stuff. He’s the one that made me learn hypnosis, although its illegal in norway (where i live).

Its a long time since I’ve been looking at this things, but now that I am a little wiser i see the connection between everything i have ever read about this subject :smile:
Believe or not, but it actually made sense for me :smile:

I have read the books that Deangelo has written, and even he says that it could be unethical… Its the same thing, you have a ‘script’ for meeting a girl, and that ‘script’ gives you a better chance of gaining success, even how you look at it you, you are not giving the girl any “chance”. “Body-mirroring”; You are not playing yourself are ya? And by doing that the one you are mirroring automatically likes you more… Where’s her chance to say " stop it you are making me like you "… These things are the same thing.

Hi everyone, I’m Mindzi (Mind’s Eye). Thought I would make my first post.

First off this post contains material of a sexual nature, so viewer discretion is advised. :cool:

Anyway, so there’s this girl I’ve been eyeing for a while at my school (college). Since I have recently been getting into astral projection, meditation, and energy work, I thought I would try a little experiment. Well I go to my last hour class, and this girl comes in and sits down next to me. When she does this, I make a mental note to myself of her body language. When she sat down, she had a very closed off type of body position. Her legs were crossed and pointed away from me, she was not leaning into me, and she was not looking at me when the teacher started lecturing. Well about 10 minutes into the lecture I became very bored with the subject matter and decided I would try mental seduction just for the hell of it. I started focusing on my mind’s eye as hard as I could. As I was doing this, I felt an intense pressure where the eye is located. About 5 minutes passed, and I began to feel intense energy engulf the inside of my head, I could literally feel the energy as it was moving around, all the while as my mind’s eye was still feeling the pressure and energy. After about 10 minutes of focusing, I could no longer hear what the teacher was saying and my vision became blurred. As I entered this state, I began to imagine myself and this girl in various erotic situations. I pictured myself and her kissing, me moving down to kissing her neck and her ear, then moving further and further down south (you can use your imagination for the rest). As I pictured myself stimulating these various sensitive regions on her, something weird started to happen.

She started to become very fidgety. She began to start moving in her chair alot, re-positioning herself often. As I kept doing this I was amazed at her response to my experiment as it continued. She began using her hands in a very seductive manner; rubbing them up and down her legs and even moving them to her ass and rubbing there for a short period as well. She opened up her legs and pointed them in my direction, at one point lifting her leg up on to her chair with her knee pointing at me and almost touching my side. The fidgeting continued and she just couldn’t sit still. She was also mirroring my body movements. I also caught her looking at me from time to time, even staring at me for about 15 seconds before she led her eyes elsewhere. She began to lean into me, and place her feet directly by mine and pointing them towards me.

After the class ended I was even more amazed at what happened, it seemed like she was clinging to me. Right when I stood up, she stood up. And she walked beside me all the way into the parking lot to where I got in my car and left. Now the fact that she seems attached to me now is cool and all, but in all honesty this experiment has pretty much left me stunned. Every single thing I imagined seemed to have been picked up by her subconscious, resulting in her responses to my actions as I pictured us together. All I gotta say is damn, the mind is a powerful thing.

Thoughts? Comments? Questions?

Please read this post with maturity, it does contain sexual material, so I hope people can handle it in a mature manner, thanks. :smile:

Also something else I would like to point out. In no way was I “mind-raping” this girl. If I would have felt any resistance from her I would have stopped immediately. I do not believe in using this ability to negatively effect someone else, so don’t think I am abusing this.

Cool forum, look forward to staying here!

Wow I think thats really cool in a way.
But i Also like a girl and I would never try to do the whole picturing the techniche for me it takes the fun out of everything.
I have one question, do you really think it worked?

That is absolutely amazing! I have no idea what to say except for the fact that i had no idea it could have scuh an immediate effect. I always thought it took some time to build up and see results, but damn thats impressive! You have just rekindled my interest immensly in this so i think i might give it a shot. If i do feel any resistance as you pointed out, i will stop as well however.

How is that any different from a girl putting on make-up, or a girl wearing a push-up bra? By doing these things you are still leaving a chance for her to refuse you. It’s not like she becomes a marionette or anything like that. The main idea behind DD is what he calls “Cocky & Funny”, where you just say something arrogant, but mix it with humour.

To me, I don’t see any difference to using a technique that makes a woman attracted to you, and a revealing top worn by a girl. Same type of thing.

Hrmmm, that’s really interesting Mindzi. I just have a couple questions for you:

When you were picturing these things, were you looking at her at all? What was your body language like? Were you fidgeting at all, or were you still for the most part?

Very interesting stuff, dude.

I wonder if some men do this stuff naturally… I’ve noticed that a lot of absolute jerks have an easy time getting women to fall for them. I wonder if they’re just constantly daydreaming about sex. I also think it’d be hilarious if this was the experiment that finally proved telepathy scientifically… :tongue: