I just ran across a very interesting piece on mind control for seducing people as i was browsing through lucid dreaming websites. The document is about 6 pages long, and if you really want me to post it on here, i will, but for now i don’t think that’s necessary.
Has anyone else here heard of this or maybe even practiced it? Any results? I would be really interested in finding out if this is possible.
I’m not so sure it’s seducing people through mind control, I think it’s more about believing you can. In turn that makes you as a person more confident which the “target” will pick up on and could simply make you more alluring to that person.
I agree just gives you confidence.
But for anyone who is optimistic maybe it will work better since you use meditacion with LD that way you can Imagine it better.
i was thinking that this idea worked using the Universal Law of Attraction principle… if you truly envision yourself and believe something with something/someone, the universe with align itself to make what you see a reality because you’ve already made it a reality in your head.
we can and do create reality in this manner but the question is how much control do we have? complete and total, siphoning off into each human being altering their own little parallel universe?
You should look up Derren Brown. He’s a genius when it comes to mind control but claims to have no spiritual power whatsoever. A personal hero of mine…
[color=darkblue]Everyone does it, weather they realise it or not. Some are just better at it than others. It’s like the invisible code between us all…[/color]
Exactly. I think we all do it already and are just completely unaware of it. I’m talking about realizing this power that we have, and actually using it to its full potential.
Lemme give you an example:
Two of my brother’s friend once decided to debunk Tag Body Spray. They thought that it would have no effect. But when they went to a party, all the girls liked them.
Was it the scent on them? I don’t think so. It was a placebo. The SC was convinced that body spray made them more atractive, so it likewise influenced the conscience that the girls liked them. Therefore, the boys were more confident, ad the girls were attracted to that.
In cocclusion: The mind is a cery powerful thing, but this techique is all in your head.