Seeing and sensing spirits

Okay, this happens to me especially at night, but occasionally during the day too. I’ll just be doing stuff and all of a sudden see where a spirit is. Sometimes all I see is the ball of energy that is their root chakra or something, but sometimes I will see a vague outline of where they are and it is REALLY creepy. Some times it’s more apparent than others. I’d also like to add that the spirits come in different colors. Mostly transparent, but sometimes blue or pink… and I KNOW they’re not just phoenali, because when I move my eyes around, the spirits don’t move to wherever I am looking. It’s just REALLY eerie.

Not only do I see the spirit, but I sense it. I sense its thoughts, its past, its emotions and its intentions all at the same time.

One thing that spooks me a little is that this has been developing over the last year or so. They’ve gradually gotten more and more noticeable. I’m too afraid to tell my family, because they’ll probably think I’m nuts. I just feel like I have to talk about this with someone, and here seems like the perfect place to do it.

Is this normal?

It’s normal if you happen to be a clairvoyant, yes.

it’s something that will gain strength the more you use it. Chances are one of these spirit entities could well be one of your spirit guides. Try asking in your mind, or verbally for your guide to show themselves, could be interesting.

But yes, what you describe is deffinately clairvoyance. The ability to sense the history etc., comes hand in hand, but many people who aren’t clairvoyant have that ability also. It’s the same “feeling” you get when you walk into an area and just get bad “vibes” only in your case it is alot stronger and more focused.

Sounds like something my friend and I would see. We described it exactly the same way too. The colors too! I’ve dismissed it as hallucinations but posts like these always make me wonder.

I do not think it is normal, but then again i am skeptical to the existance of spirits or the spiritworld. But i am not gonna say you are crazy. But if these visions or what to call them cause a significant negative impact on your daily life, then i would maybe consider getting some help if i was you.

I also guess you have not been influenced by some substances that alter your consciousness as of lately either? Because it could be some aftereffect “flashback” or similar.

Definately not. I refuse to even allow caffeine into my body, and do my best to consume as little sugar as possible. I’m as healthy as they get.

I’ve only seen spirits when I was young… and lonely as hell. They were mostly imagined, but sometimes they felt as though they were real - and I got a shivering feeling.
The bad thing is that your mind is so strong when you’re young it’s hard to distuingish between reality and imagination…

heh closest I ever got is I see people from the corner of my eye then when I look again they are not there.

I don’t care very much attention to it. And sometimes I hear things like Im close to our computer room I hear someone writing with the keyboard but when I check theres no one there hehe.

Just accept it like it would be normal, it won’t affect you in any way. It’s rather amusing :smile: And like someone said you should try to contact them if it would work, you never know hehe :smile:

I would say that it is not common but in my eyes it is a gift. The most ive experiances is my stomech gets tied in a knot and I get that feeling that someone is just staring at you. Sometimes I feel like i see the outline of someone in the courner of my eye or movement but when I look directly at it, it’s gone.

About movements and shadows which are sometimes seen in the corner of our eye, it’s mostly explained by the fact that our peripheral vision has a special treatment in order to enhance the feeling of movement of sudden things appearing in our field of vision (can be useful if it’s a tiger or a car :tongue:).

This “program” bugs sometimes thus we see things which don’t exist. I don’t think it’s the same thing at all which is described by Darxide.

Hi Darxide and Wyvern,

I just have had a LD which was inspired by what you said and when I just woke up, it suddenly reminded me about something. Could you make a drawing of the “balls of energy” that you’re seeing, the most precisely you can and without trying to relate it to ghosts or anything or to make it more spirit-like-looking than it is?