Seeing Auras

No they’re absolutely not floaters :smile: I will buy that they could be some static, however, my Univ. Biology classes has never mentioned this. So, I’ll have to read up on it first.

The part that bothers me is this: if its just normal static that is supposed to happen occasionally, why do I see it all the time? It’s not like I can de-static my eyes fluid :smile:!

Or can I…hmmm…how could I safely de-static my eyes and test the theory? Any ideas?

no no, its a diff type of static… i dont think you can de static it… and its not a normal static that happens oocasionaly, its always there, like when you close your eyes… the fuzyness is supposed to be static… and such, its always there, you just need the right lighting to see it or somethign, i dunno, correct me if im wrong :bored:

Well, that’s strange - the only time I CAN"T see it at all is when my eyes are closed. Are you referring to the bright designs that move around when your eyes are closed? Because this is different. This looks like bright little organisms shooting in all directions. It could be related, though. Does your brother have any imput on that?
If my friends can’t see it under the same circumstances, than it’s probably specific to my eyes. Maybe I’m just really staticy :flower:

When staring at a stagnant backround I also see ‘T’, ‘Y’, ‘X’ or ‘V’ shaped hollow tubes with a dark outline and a hollow circle at the end of each line segment. I gazed through search results on the subject and didn’t find any explanations. Is the static that is being spoken of similar to that of which can overcome your sight after standing up after a long sitting period?

meow, you dont see the static when your eyes are closed becaus eyou are so used to seeing it all the time, but it is there and you do see it… (thats what me bro said)

a brick, i dunno what to say about the things you see, im not sure, all i can say is that i dont particularly see it and im not sure if its from static, i really cant help ya on that 1…

abrickinthewall - what curious symptoms. What are the dimensions of these characters and are they at all brighter in the middle? Also, are the letters angular, or more script-like? :flower:

I would describe them more as angular connections of lines, each in perpendicular pairs, but in many instances they resemble certain letters of the alphabet. They are rather large in size, proportionate to a quarter held about 12 inches in front of the eye. The middle portion between the lines are the same color as the background, or slightly lighter. Against light backgrounds such as the daytime sky, they appear most detailed and intricate with what appears to be some tube-like depth.

Wow - that’s wild! It’d be a great horror flick if you could make out creepy words with them, j/k:) What I’m seeing is very different, but the tubelike dimension of what you are referring to is a great metaphor for mine. Who knows, maybe they are related.
I’m very temped to mention it to my opthamologist. Now watch Lucian is just messing with me & the doctor laughs me out of the office :wink:

I guess we’ll see :flower:

I started seing auras about 1 year ago, and it surprised me a lot because i saw it around my lamp on the ceiling… cause I thought that only living things could have auras. but then I found that everything has this layer of energy surrounding it, although there are differences between living and non-living things: the colour around a non-living object doesn’t change, and it’s always its opposite colour (for example, red object has a green aura, yellow gets a purple one, blue gets orange, etc), while living beings such as people have auras that change, according to what they feel, etc, although I have this theory that our aura is actually an opposite colour as well, the opposite of the energy inside our body since everything is made of energy (auras are supposed to be like the energy we don’t need).
Mine always tends to be light blue, I’ve seen it also green and one time it was purple (it was purple the only time I smoked weed… I did that with the aura purpose - purple is supposed to be one of the “highest” u can get, because it’s the colour of the 7th chakra).
During those times I was trying to see auras all the time but now I haven’t done it in ages. I get tired sometimes and my head aches, it’s always easier to see when I’m more relaxed and it’s a bright day.

Meow, are the “bright bug-like images” u tell like white points floating around? I see that sometimes and wondered if other ppl saw it too or if it was just from my eyes, it would be funny if it’s the same thing we’re talking about.


When you see an aura is it just like the counter-color thing or does it actually look like colored energy surrounding the person? I talked to this woman who has seen one and she said it was like energy around the person that moved like flame. Is that acurate or is it just a fuzzy bit of color around somethings edge?