Seeing the same dream again?!

One day I was trying a new relaxation method which also helps to increase Dream Recall.After I did it,I tried to do a WILD.I just fell asleep BUT,I remembered 3 dreams when I woke up :woo: .And I also became lucid.How? Well,this is what happened:

3-2 days before I tried the relaxation method,I saw a dream where all my classmates were playing golf and I was walking with a girl from my class alongside the golf course.And then,the night when I tried the relaxation method,I saw the same dream again!And I realized I’ve seen this before,and became lucid.
How was that possible?Did it ever happen to you?

Do you mean have I had recurring dreams before? Yes. Have I ever become lucid by realizing that I’m having the same dream as before? Well, I’ve gotten to the pre-lucid stage from deja vu within dreams. I’ve also gotten to a semi-lucid stage by realizing that I’ve been through a particular experience before, but no one example stands out where I’ve gotten completely lucid from a recurring dream.

On the other hand, I have gotten lucid from recurring dreamsigns. For instance, in nightmares I frequently run away on all fours. So, if I’m running on all fours in a dream, I usually know it’s a dream—and become lucid.

Also, within lucid dreams I’ve re-entered the same dream before. I can think of three examples. On both occasions it was accidental. What happened was that, while lucid, I ended up back in the original dream setting that I began lucidity in. In the first example, the setting was exactly the same (with the same people doing and saying the same things). In the second two examples, the setting was the same, but the time of day had changed, and new characters populated the scene. To be clear, I didn’t simply walk or fly from one dream area back to the original area. In the first example, at least, the dream around me literally changed back to the original dream.

Wow.Lucid dreaming really can get interesting sometimes.