i don’t know what kind of dreams these are. but when i have them, i know i’m asleep, and i can see everything in front of me as if my eyes are open. i’ll try everything to wake up, or move an arm, or roll over, but i’m almost paralized. i usually hear a loud buzzing. sometimes other things will happen… but wierd thing is it’s like i literally can see though my eyelids.
i was hoping someone could tell me what that is. or atleast point me in the direction of finding an answer. the fact is, i have them everyday. i can’t tell if their dreams or not, because i always see what’s in front of me as i’m lying down. yet i wake up, so i have to be asleep. it’s actually very scary, and i don’t think i can make them stop until i understand what they are. please help.
This sounds like a False Awakening combined with Sleep Paralysis. Do a search on the forum on FA or false awakening or Sleep paralysis / SP and you will find a lot.
I hope some experienced FA/SP-ers can give you some advice.
That defnitiely sounds like sleep paralysis! SP happens when your body falls asleep while your mind is still awake, half asleep/half awake… SP is very nice to induce lds with, since you are on the verge of dreaming. Try focusing on a location, then you might soon find yourself there in a LD…
Sounds like a dream, heheh. You were probably conciously awake while your body was shut down, so you were in a dream state. This is what OBEs (I think they’re just dreams) are for me. I’m totally paralyzed and can always see. Buzzing in the ears is part of the sleep process, I believe.