On my own i like to act or disable myself to a certain extent because i like to experience what its like to be retarded or blind for example. When i walk through the grocery store in public and i am noting the stares i get from strangers when i am in my retard character i am not doing it to be funny, i have 100% respect for any1 with a disability and i think trying to experience what a hard life they have is like is noble. Anyway the other day i was looking for my bandana because i was going to blind fold myself for a few hours and i thought of what would happen if i went to bed and fell asleep still blind folded. If i am blind for a while b4 i go to bed and then go straight to bed and sleep while still blind folded it will be like ending my day like a blind person and hopefully i’ll have that in my head. But not being blind normally if i dream, i will still have visual dreams. So perhaps i can use the fact of just being able to see ‘anything’ as my whole dream sign. If i get it in my head im blind and i cant see anything until the blind fold comes off, hopefully when i enter into a dream and start seeing stuff my brain will realise this and u know the rest. So i tried it last night, No LD but i was close, at least im kinda on the right track.(prolly needed to be blind folded longer b4 bed). But in my dream i specifically stated to this person i was talking to that i was blind, and i was blind in the dream, yet i could still see in a 3rd person sense. pretty interesting. I think the most important part of the experiment is to be blind for a good amount of time b4 u go to bed because ur eyes r shut anyway when u sleep. U need to be going about ur normal routine blind so u get used to it, then u see sumin, poof u must be dreaming. so wut do you guys think—thoughts, comments.
I had the same idea once, that’s really weird. But I didn’t think it was practical enough.
But it does sound like a very good idea in theory. Maybe it could help if you were to spend the entire day thinking about how you really are blind in every practical sense since you can’t see, and also right while in bed. Also, I would try to recognize dreams about people who are blind, you being blind, people just saying the word blind, because you’re clearly going to have at least one (and maybe all) of your dreams be about that experience during the day.
Well, good luck with it.
Oftentimes when i see a disabled or retarded person i always wonder how their lives are, like their minds too. I can relate more to a physically disabled person cuz their minds are ‘normal’ but still i wonder how their lives have been changed and how they react to people changing how they treat them, etc. But with retarded people, i can only imagine, like if its chaotic or if theyre conscious and observant and aware somewhere in there.
Wow, i wonder if you deprived your sense of sight for days (or weeks!) on end, what would happen to your LD’s? I remember reading or hearing about people who have been blind their whole life, claiming they have dreams, but how to describe them? I wonder if the visual aspect would deteriorate, or be replaced by other senses and still be just as detailed and understandable a dream…Who is willing (and has a LOT OF FREE TIME) to try this?