Seeing yourself in a dream?

I have. I ended up finding out i can clone myself, so i made ~8 of myself.

I saw my face staring at me. It was like I was someone else, and she/I was staring deep in my eyes. Everything I saw was my face.
The face was prettier than IRL. The hair and skin was healthier and more shiny. The eyes had a very nice make-up. I was more beautiful in the dreamworld, than in the real life :sad:
But that was a weird ND, anyways. I often see myself in a ND, but not like that.

I’ve only seen myself in a LD once, and that was in a mirror. I was alien-shaped :wam:
My body was tiny and skinnier than ever. Just like an alien.

i had a fight with a second me in a dream once…and i kept switching positions, so i was the one “me” at a time and then suddenly i was the “other me”…VERY strange situation, and i thought “how can i know which of us is the REAL me now, and which one is the DC, and what happens if the DC wins against the real me?”

but eventually the other one vanished and the dream went on…

thats called Disembodied observer … i have is sometime , especially if i go trough a door face forward or sometimes if i phase

Last night I tried an app for my iPhone to help me get to sleep. The one that seemed the most interesting plays binaural beats to help induce lucid dreaming called “Dream Induce”.

I had an extremely vivid if not lucid dream where I wanted to find out what it was that everyone around me knew that I didn’t pertaining to myself. It was stressful and I was eventually taken to a bar/restaurant that is not real but in my dream I recognized it and had been there but not in my actual waking life.

My friends were all talking about me but wouldn’t tell me what about and this made me anxious so finally my good friend said to me that he couldn’t go into the details right here and right now. I was not satisfied with his answer and eventually found my phone which was playing a video of myself.

I looked precisely how I do now and was naked except for a pair of shorts I currently wear and a bra my shorts were around my knees and I had an orange extension cord wrapped around my neck. My hands were around the cord keeping me from choking and there was an unseen force pulling my body along expansive sand dunes. I was asking what I had done and the feeling swept over me that I had blacked out and had no recollection of this moment in time but it was certainly me. Although I was “watching” this recording I had no hands it was just full screen and I was observing myself being dragged violently across the sand. Finally I looked close to my face to ensure it was really me and I started to cry and open my mouth wider and wider until I started to say GET ME OUT OF HERE WHERE IS “My Name” and my face transformed into some kind of wide mouthed demon with huge scary teeth and eyes on my body. Suddenly I saw myself naked standing next to some scary hoofed creature similar to the Diablo in video games or in Legend like I was it’s partner and even saw my own legs having hooves.

This frightened me so much that I woke up and could hardly get back to bed.

hi, darknightsleeper and welcome to Ld4all :wave:

although… :eek: that sure was a scary dream, not just like any “normal” nightmare. Hope you’ll have better dreams here! :tongue: