I’v read a lot of stuff here about ways to increase the output of your subconscious to make dreams feel more real (when u feel all our senses) or last longer. (like dream a whole day in a couple of hours sleep.)
The idea is pretty well, but actually - not the amount of stuff u dream makes the final impression you get. Only these parts of your dream you can mostly remember. I think most people noticed that becoming lucid isn’t half as good if u can’t remember it next day.
And it’s not only about becoming lucid - every single detail you see,think,hear,taste,feel or smell in your dreams enters ur sensory memory. When u’r awake there are about 2gb of incoming information every hour. Dreams usually have less sensual input. A dreams with 2gb/hour flow of informartion would feel completly real.
The sensory memory saves information for minutes. After that time 80% are deleted, the rest enters your short-term memory where it stays up to a day, around 1.5mb will enter your long-term memory where it is stored forever - even if it sinks under the surface into subconscious.
The WBTB Method is based on this mind-model, and most of you noticed how real and close to life a dream can feel just after you woke up. So, when wou write your diary after waking up , you extend your memory and the amount of information stored in long-term.
Imagine 30minutes of dreaming to be a 1gb file. only 700kb are saved for more than a dozen of hours. Speeding up time or concentrating on all senses at once in your dreams won’t increase your memories capabilities. I think you can train your memory when you are awake with special exercises. Means to me you can extremly increase your dreaming by understanding the way memory works. If u become lucid and know how to make certain things enter your memory (concentrating on them, again and again?) u we be like someone cutting a movie - but 80% of the material is crap and only 20% included in the final movie.
But I wonder if someone has, like, experience and can influence what he/she remembers of all sensual input. I know, pretty hard question cause you would need to know everything you forgot to answer, but anyway
I think that you actually store in memory not what you’ve perceived, but (very complex) description of it (see my mental code theory post). The sensual input is processed before storing it in memory. But it’s very easy to forget dreams, and I don’t know what really perfect dream recall would mean. You would remember ALL your thoughts on what you’ve seen, including these on sub-c layer - seems impossible…
I’ve read your post about the code, sounds pretty serious to me. And again - a step closer to explain the unexplainable, the way we work.
what i read in a book about the memory function of the brain and posted above means to me that even if u have like an hour of dreaming with full sensual input your brain can only save like, 10seconds of these 5sense-impressions and the rest will be deleted by your brain to prevent an overload.
so, what about these “lost” information? aren’t they translated in mental code at all or is it just deleted minutes afterwards?
I believe that memory rarely gets “deleted”, it’s just that we lose associations - the info is “untied”, so we don’t know how to get to it.
I didn’t know about that 10 sec thing. It means that we have a “buffer” storing perceived raw data. But I think it isn’t used in dreams, they are already generated in mental code (so lack of the encoding phase gives brain more power to create dream).
And the buffer is probably all the time processed by sub-c.
I read about a mechanism called a “semantic loop”, which usually can store up to 7 symbols (mental code symbols?). It works for example when we repeat someone’s phone number. It’s a very short-term memory, and when something other comes to it, the previous info is “pushed out” of the loop, and we forget the number. Also something like a buffer, but in the code layer.
read your mental code post again last night. now i see i was pretty stupid to think that the memory buffer impact the input in a dream. i completly forgot your mind constucts your dream out of your memory.
so all information are already stored in memory, somehow transcripted in mental code, and you just readjust the conncections between these memories, like reorganzing a sentence with words written already.
that would mean, that all the information in your dream is already stored, and in theory you should be able to recall all of them if u know the code telling how the information have been realigned for your dream
Yes, but we don’t remember our dreams entirely because we lose some of the connections. Sometimes all we get is few unattached bits - like “somebody wanted me to do something, but I didn’t agree (I don’t remember why)” = an example of a pathetic dream recall