Self Induced false awakening

Hi everyone, just wanted to share a new experience.

The other night I had my first lucid dream that lasted more then a minute. Its was also the first time I tried flying (craziness, went right up out of the atmosphere and was looking at earth from space). On my way back down I started worrying about waking up because the lucid dream was lasting much longer then any other I had ever had.

When I touched down and felt the ground below me, I “woke up”. I thought about how awesome that LD was then went back to bed. Should have RC’d because I sure I would have realized that I was at my cottage. I didn’t even remember any of this at first when I awoke for real. It was 15 minutes later in the shower when it came to me.

Im sure the problem was me worrying so much about waking up, causing me to manifest the scenario or something. Anybody else accidentally force themselves into false awakening?

Hey usernamesw :content:
I can’t say I’ve had a lot of times where I worried of my dreams ending, usually I wake up really suddenly. But I’m mostly blessed with long lucid dreams~ It is very common to find yourself in FAs after lucid dreams and they can be really annoying xD, especially when you’re journaling your dreams down.
I did have some FAs about a week ago, it was really irritating haha. Had 5 FAs in a row, but probably more. I fell lucid in 4/5 but was blinded and kept waking up, couldn’t do much but feel myself around the dreamscape and fly.

It’s good to remember to RC once you wake up, often times you aren’t actually awake yet. :wink:

Wow. That would be really annoying, especially if you’re having a good dream.

First thing I did this morning was RC. Gotta get into the habit of it. Never knew before that false awakenings were that common.

Thx for the tips.

The only reason I induced FA was when I had a boring dream and wanted a better one through DEILD rather than teleporting to a new dreamscene which for me is much riskier :razz: