Ok, last night I was started to get sick, so I went to bed around 9:30 feeling not so hot. I took some Benadryl and Robotussin, and went to bed. I was having a pretty vivid dream of myself in someone’s house. All of a sudden I realized I was dreaming! I then became lucid, or so I thought. I walked outside, and from there on things just went downhill. The dream was very vivid, and I was definitely lucid. But I couldn’t control certain things. Such as the setting, who was there, how I was dressed, what other people looked like, I couldn’t fly, and I could only wander so far. Whenever I tried to do one of these things, I would slip out of lucidity and it would turn back into a normal dream, near the end of the dream, I remember thinking over and over, “I’m dreaming, I’m dreaming, why can’t I stay lucid” It was pretty angering. By the end of the dream I had no control, and things were just spiraling out of control, and I woke up. It was 7:30AM! I couldn’t remember any other dreams (and I am very good at remembering my dreams) and the dream had seemed pretty long. I am so confused.
-Has this ever happened to anyone else?
-And do LD’s usually last this long?
-Could it have something to do with the medicine I took?
Lucids are sometimes more stable, sometimes less so. When you are only just beginning working with LDs its natural that you don’t have so much experience in keeping the dream stable. It’s normal if things get out of control and it happens to more experienced LDers too. Try reading some of the topics on this site about keeping the clarity of your LD (spinning technique, grabbing hold of smt in your dream might work).
some medication might influence dreams sometimes. but it’s not suggested to take medication without a doctor’s advice, only to have LDs or vivid dreams.
You will find this site very helpful. Good luck.
Its okay if you cant control things in your dreams. You will be able to with practice.
And I highly doubt its because of the medications. If you can remember dreams very well, then your lucids should be even more vivid.
like everyone else says, just keep practicing.
this has happened to me frequently, only i know im dreaming, but dont go lucid.
i know im dreaming, i can even tell when my moms yelling at me to go to school, but i dont actually go lucid
yes, dreams normally last a long time, depending on the person.
some peoples dreams last for only what seems 30 minuets, in 8 hours.
for some people, it seems like weeks!
just keep practicing, and you’ll be able to do anything!
spells, flying, swimming without breathing, visiting other worlds, other universes, discovering other sentient species other than humans, turn into an animal, even a dragon, ride a dragon, destroy an evil overlord, free a planet, INFINATE possibilities, almost like the matrix