semilucid dream

this dream was not really lucid, but i had my critical factor firing up, but not enough to go: this is a dream! here is the dream i had

this dream all revolved around this special women... who was locked in a cage, she was a monster of some type but sexy as hell!
anyway, there was another women.. whom imprisoned her in this cage, this woman had a agenda.. and she completed it.
that was to extract a venom from the woman in the cage, and she did! and with it she could cast some powerful fucking spells!, and she wanted me... but im a whore and want all women, she didn't like that and started messing with my head in so many many ways in the dream, like for instance im walking around in what seemed like another dream, and i glance in a mirror <im walking around with my ex too> and in the mirror im all done up in goth! black hair black lip sick you name it! and then i looked at my ex, and thought holy shit! look at yourself! she was confused and i told her to look into the mirror your a damn goth!, then i looked closer into mirror, and there were small blue symbol like things on my lips, and i was like what the hell is this!!! scence changed to like a hotel, i was just standing there, and i saw this little drip of water fall from the ceiling... thinking wtf, i go up to it and place my hand on it, i feel a huge rumble through the ceiling... my instincts told me to run like fuck! and i did, with loud noises behind me, as i ran for my life lol... scene change, i find my self at my mothers place, and knock on the front door, some asshole wearing lingerie opens the door... im like what the fuck!
and then i notice my ex in there too wearing lingerie, and then i see another 4 men wearing lingerie, i wasn't to sure what to think, but after a bit i think fuck this, im outer here bye slut, i felt like she was fucking em all lol.... i even tried to punch one of them! lol, and as i started walking out the front gate, that chick who extracted the venom ran out saying wait, made out she was about to kiss me... then called me something around the line as silly boy... and went back inside...
scene change: i find my self in front of that cage, and the monster lady was speaking to me, with her arm out towards me saying... heeeerrree take my venom and killll herrrrrr, i was scared, but she managed to grab my arm.... thats when i felt some really really weird attraction to her, it was like lust 100X not sure what happened after that btw she has long claw the rest of the impossible to recall fully, but it looked good in a beastly way lol.... i was watching a episode of charmed till i got tired half way through and woke up just after it finished, this was on the first layer of lucid dreaming. , i call it the wtf switch lol.