Sending dreams.......?

Hey all, I read somewhere on a website that you can make people you know dream something or “send” them dreams. Does anyone know about this? Has anyone tried it? I’d like to learn how to do it so any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

In my humble opinion, that’s bunch of new age crap.

Do you mean shared dreaming, or something else?

If we EVER find a way to actually “record” dreams through the use of biomechanical brain devices (I’m sure we will, someday), then yes, we could send those dreams to others. But, in my opinion, we are a LONG way off from that level of biomechanical technology. :wink:

There are some information on shared dreams in the LD FAQ found at If its that you mean

:bounce: :bounce: Shared dreaming is going into another persons dream, or sharing a dream, lucidly or nonlucidly with other people.
Possible, of course, the universe is limitless. Ive had one shared lucid dream with my sister. The undenialbly low odds for two people to have any similar details much less large dream plots, is proof enough for me besides the fact that ive experianced it.
The technique is: After becoming lucid, you find the person (or make them appear) you want to share the dream with, then try to convince them that they are in a dream. After waking up, compare notes.

I came across this thread and I think this is totally possible. I have done this and I still try it on some people. Mostly people that are close to me or understand me. Plus people that talk about dreams helps too. Sometimes I’ll tell them before hand but I try not to.

Suggestion can play a huge role in their dreams.

lol none of these people, besides Jabbervock, come here anymore…

i think the original poster was thinking about shared dreaming, which IMO is very much possible. Scientifically though, this will not be proved or disproved anytime soon…

No, I think he meant sending them as in: Joe is thinking Jack will dream of a nude woman swimming in the ocean and Jack tells everyone the next day he dreamt he was a lifeguard at a nude beach.

Shared dreaming to me is when two or more parties share/participate in the same dream.

Old topic, I know, but I just found it interesting b/c I was just talking about this to someone yesterday.


I’m curious as to how you do it, Noelle. I’m a bit interested in it and I was wondering if it was something that can be learned. I don’t really ‘know’ right now if its possible since I don’t know much about it but it won’t hurt to try.

make that 2 people :cool:

hehehe… glad you guys liked the example.

Alvin: Try it with someone you are close to. Or someone you share a nice bond with. And just visualize them in a dream and what type of dream. Make sure you write it down somewhere.

Have them tell you what their dreams were but don’t tell them what you did. Otherwise, you might have someone that thinks they should tell you something.

Try it and don’t give up, you’ll start seeing results.

But I’ve never tried this with someone I don’t know. With people I’ve never met face to face, yes.

i’ve had modest success.

i don’t know anyone in real life that has as much clarity and recall that I do, though, so it’s challenging.

I once set an intent to ask a guy I knew something. Dreamed of talking to him in a specificish like place.

Ran into him in that place in person, he mentioned to ME without my initiation (or with it who knows… but it was still neat) that he was interested in lucid dreaming after seeing waking life.

since then we ran into each other consitently, all the time. even after he was supposed to have moved i ran into him shortly before he was about to leave town…


yeah we definitely had a connection. He was not much of a lucid dreamer though… not really one at all but I got him to have a partial one by telling him about WBTB + WILD.

I told him to email me in his dreams a few nights ago, but he didn’t.

Holy Reality, maybe you should again. But the next time you ask try and put yourself in the spot that you guys met up in irl. See if that makes a difference.

I think they mean sending some random picture or something into the dream world and having someone else find it and tell them what it was. They were practicing this in a dream team a while ago and was getting results too.

You mean as in an item?

Small chances in my opinion.Its hard enough to incubate dream for yourself-making someone else dreaming of something particular is quite a task.
You can read about such practices mainly in all sorts of shamanism or witchcraft.It was used to either gain power(scare the person by the fact of being in their dreams showing off your skills as magician or else) or make this person fall in love.
In general it was allways about abusing:)
I think it is possibile but not the “magical” way.One cant fall asleep and in his dream run around invading others dreams with content he/she wishes.Even if someone reported a success that would be accidentall wishfull thinking come true.
Instead of going hard way i see no problem in making someone dream something by influencing him/her in real life.Make the person think of it and she/he will dream it.
Of course thats easier said than done but id start with that instead of staring at someones picture mumbling voodoo curses.

Ps.For example: if i wanted Iluminada dream of me swimming naked i would first fill her email box with proper material to think of:)

Is that an invitation Jack? :tongue:

I beg to differ with you. Although, I haven’t read to much on the subject of sending someone something in a dream. I believe it’s possible to do.

Influencing someone’s dream would definitely be much easier since the above does take a lot of work and dedication.