I had some rather unusual HI last night. I was very tired when I went to bed, and got some HI almost instantly. This time i couldn’t only see it, i could feel it too. I could have easily wilded, I think, if the scene hadn’t been so disturbing. Instead I ended up wide awake.
Has anybody else had hypnagogic experiences like this?
Yeah, that’s what it feels like for me when I’m really tired and laying down for a nap. Usually I can just stay aware, enjoy the visuals until they turn into complex images, and eventually a lucid dream. But it feels weird sometimes… I don’t know if that’s totally the same as what you felt or not.
It involved an attractive, but married man and his hands. It would be tempting to let it become a lucid dream, but part of me didnt even want to dreeam about that, so i wake up