Sex and Dreaming

haha! SILD. Awesome. Had another one last night, but no sex. But sex today. We’ll see how the dreams go. My roommate is going to be up all night writing a paper. I don’t think I’ll sleep well. I sure would like to smash his head with a rock. But next year I’ll have a single. Hell yes.

kissing your partner when you ejaculate… hmm… i might have to try that one day jack. that makes sense to me, it’s like you’re taking some of her energy as she’s taking some of yours, so it cycles between you (that’s actually a practice i’ve read about)

it’s kinda a lot to explain, and i doubt i could do it full justice with a message board post. just pick up The Multi-Orgasmic Man by mantak chia at barnes and noble, it’s well worth the 17 bucks

Not sure what my mom would think of it :wink:
Would be pretty funny to see the look on her face if I bring that home :grin:

perhaps she’d ask if your dad could borrow it when you’re done :cool:

In the movie Waking Life, that fat dude said that “you can have any kinda sex you want” so of course I tried. I remember flying around this morning and I dove down on top of this realy hot chick and she disappeared. Then I found more walking around but I couldn’t find my wee wee. I don’t care I’m having fun with flying at the moment…except I can’t go fast :confused:

We really need a stciky topic for sex and dreams. :tongue:

Thats what I said a while back, but no one believed me. Of course, A sticky topic would be bad. What would that reflect about the forum as a whole? That’s right. Sexy people here!

infection0 said:
Thats what I said a while back, but no one believed me. Of course, A sticky topic would be bad. What would that reflect about the forum as a whole? That’s right.

I don’t think it would be bad. Sex is a normal part of life. I think it would be natural that we would want to explore this part of ourselves in ld’s. I think it would just say we are normal.

In regards to waking up: Try to stablize your dream as soon as you become lucid. Remember that closing your eyes may cause you to wake up. I think someone on one of these threads mentioned that some people my close there eyes during LD sex and thus wake up.


Personally, I don’t think that sex in real like affects your ability to lucid dream, what I do think it affects is your ability to have sex in a lucid dream. If you haven’t had sex in a while and really want to, and finally get lucid in a dream and start thnking “ow boy ow boy sex time” chances are you’re going to get really excited and then wake up.

But if you have regular (or semi-regular) sex in real life I think that sex in a lucid dream probably doesn’t get you as excited and there for you are more likely to be able to have it.

The only way I could see sex in real like affecting your ability to lucid dream was if you made it some sort of a focal point or a reality check.

Ow and I’ve only been able to have sex in a lucid dream once.


From what i know i think that if you waste the energy from sex… then it will affect your lucid dreams… but i read in a book this nagual used sex as something that aided him in lucid dreaming… storing the energy that it accumulates…

i think that ummm taoist do the same thing… not sure… i have wanted to look into that

Taoist usually take a vow of celebicy(sp?)…to store energy for longer life, etc etc etc. I wont go into it. Thats why I started this topic, because of a book I read on taoism. BUT…there are also taoist that use sex as a way to practice taoism, as well. Both sides-positive and negative. Sex and no sex.

read The Multi-Orgasmic Man by mantak chia and michael winn, they’re from the taoist school of thought that harnesses sexual energy

…That’s what I do…? :cry: