Sex in Dreams-PART II

Hahahahah you had sex with a stove…lol that’s hilarious!

I have never had sex in an LD but i have many times in normal dream although i have never had orgasm that way. But recently ive had to orgasm simply by seeig people…like in one dreams these to girls started kissing and emmediatly i had and orgasm…

weird thing is these are not regular orgasms, i feel them more arround my chest and plexus rather than my genitals… :eh:

I had a dream a few weeks ago where I was trying to hide my porn magazines from my dad. In real life I only have five of them but in the dream no matter how hard I tried to hide them I would just open my closet and there were stacks of Penthouses falling onto the floor. As I frantically tried to hide them under my bed subscription cards were falling out everywhere. I actually became lucid in the very end when the rediculousness of the situation hit me. Unfortunately I was so shocked that I had been dreaming the whole time that I woke up.

Hahaha… This threads provided a few very good laughs… for me and everyone reading.
sex with a stove… ahah… amazing, would think that would hurt alot more than please…and i mean a pillar… I can’t see how that came about but…Good on ya, thats some classic stuff.
Sex in dreams is something I don’t really seek out to much importance, I would rather experience something completly out of this world, and save the sex for real life, but as some said, sometimes it’s impossible to escape the inevitable…

I had a lucid dream last night where I had sex with my girlfriend in hte bowling alley I work in. It was weird because I had anal sex with her and then I had to poop for the rest of the dream. :cool_laugh:
I wanted to go fly but I was afraid I would poop my pants in real life.
So while I was sitting on the pot I decided to look at my hands. They had a weird pattern on them and then turned blue and I could see my reflection in them.
Weird Stuff…

I have a terrible time even in my LDs to get a dream character to have sex with me.

But a few months back I discovered that if I concentrate hard enough on a certain spot in my pelvis for a few seconds, I can generate a spontaneous orgasm, and very occasionally two or three. (I’m female).

Only works in dreams, though…too bad!

“Only works in dreams, though…too bad!”

    I bet i could change that opinion:)

One of the few times I had sex in a LD (to me sex is not a priority to do in a LD), this beautiful girl who lay beneath me suddenly changed into a cat. I threw the damn animal on the ground and I woke up. I don’t know why this transformation happened because we were doing fine and at that moment I had fully control of the situation… It was a damn pitty because foreplay was just finished :grin:
During the other times everything went ok, although I’ve never achieved orgasm.
Something strange happened during another LD: without any reason I suddenly felt a rush of testosterone and adrenaline flowing through my dream body. Although I had not intended it, I now felt a uncontrolable desire for sex. Unfortunately I didn’t see any girls in the environment, so I started to dig a hole into the muddy ground with my hand and started to fuck the ground, which surprisingly felt great :grin: Then I heard people coming, so I tried to hide myself, but before they could find me I woke up.

Thats some funny stuff mystic!!

I too have had a dream where the girl I was having sex with turned into a cat, but i think i did to. It was very strange.

oooh i missed this topic. Where’s the original post at, got some catching up to do lol.

well i don’t know if anyone else has said this, but many sex dreams that cause RL ejactualation is not just the dream. Many people masturbate in their sleep (particularly those who do it regularly in waking) so many wetdreams are caused by that as well as the amazing sensations that the dream offers as well.

Just thought you’d like to know that lol.

I’ve only ever had 2 wet dreams in my entire life, (21yrs old) and i never once had one when i hadn’t masturbated/had sex for a while. The dreams themselves were odd, one dream was really weird sex and the other… well that had nothing to do with sex at all (please don’t ask lol)

In my limited (nearly 5 month long) experience with LDing, the very few full-blown LD’s that I have had (all the rest were lucid moments or failed RC’s) usually led to me seeking sex of some kind (yes, I am an oversexed male).

The first time (not my first LD, but actually my first full blown LD), I was looking for a girl and the lady I asked to take me to her said simply “you have to fill out a form”. This response shocked me, and I responded “you better do what I say, this is MY dream and you are a construct of MY imagination. So this means if you don’t follow my orders I will make you DISAPPEAR” and on cue, I started snapping in her face. This was a hilarious story, because after I did the snapping NO disappearance occurred. I think this helped to limit my lucidity and faith in the fact that I was dreaming, and when I tried to go at it with the lady I simply…awoke. I can’t seem to get past kisses on the cheek, LOL. <insert 5000000 expletives here>

My second full blown LD that I can remember (one of the four or so) involved me walking down a suburban street, when for a rather interesting and sudden reason I did an RC. I was dreaming. So I walked to a nearby house and, even though the dream was slowly fading (and looking at my hands AND rubbing them seemed to fail me, so I panicked trying to remember the ‘third’ method, which I later remembered after I awoke was spinning) I headed inside and found myself in a house party with people from my school. One highly attractive girl in there that I recognized was sitting in a chair, so I went over and “propositioned” her. Her response was, “I will tomorrow.” I learned an IMPORTANT LDing lesson that night; NEVER GIVE UP. I asked her again, this time more authoritatively. The response was an excited “YES!” in a loud voice. This response change so amused me and shocked me that I already accelerated the waking up process, and again I didn’t get past cheek-kissing. SON OF A BITCH.

My third full-blown LD resulted in nothing sexual, and neither did my fourth.

But the fifth was the worst of them all…as documented in the post I made recently in the “Quest for Lucidity” forum, I asked the powers that be in my head for a hot girl around the corner and…my mom was there. The surprise of this moment (coupled with the fact that I still didn’t know how to stabilize the dream, MUST REMEMBER VERBAL COMMANDS) just kicked me into awakeness.

I think I’m doomed to never have a proper sexual experience in my LD’s. Rather amusing, neh?

LOL!! :happy: Oh my gosh! What would Freud have to say?! That’s hilarious!

I’ve come across so many problems having LD sex it isn’t funny.

  1. Chicks in my dreams always have extreme trouble unbuckling my belt.
  2. The chick is usually hesitant to do it in the first place.
  3. Sometimes i can’t even find a chick.
  4. If i do find a chick (or conjure one up, for example often i’ll make alyson hunnigan appear behind me), they’ll be much uglier than in real life.
  5. Often i’ll just wake up fairly soon if i get too excited.

Maybe it’s best to stick with something a little easier, i don’t think it’s worth the risk of waking up.

maybe she just wasn’t wearing makup :wink:

I heard once that if you have trouble finding a girl to sleep with in a ld, then try going out into a public place where there are normally lots of people.

Hehe…now i dont know if to call it lucky or not but i have totally different experiences than Rush.In my dreams they usually just way too pretty to avoid thinking about sex(i see it as kind of a problem cause i promised myself not to think about it during lds cuz it has a tendency to either wake me up or fall in the deeper sleep)
Also they have no problems with my belt-actually they are faster than my thoughts-before i even think about sex they are allready on their knees-from this point im not able to refuse anything regardless of how much would i care for this ld to last.
I believe the afterlife is made exactly same way like lucid dream is so i hope to look at that closer when im dead…and tell you what-no waking up then!yay:)

haha I got lost in Yorkshire once…
I usualy don’t notice if someone is ugly or not if I’m in a dream I just get down to buisness. :smile: My biggest problem is sometimes I have a hard time getting my pants off and I wake up because I get really frustrated trying to get them off of me or the guy or girl I’m about to get it on with. And after that I sometimes find it hard to get the other person to be responsive and they turn into more of a living sex doll than a partner. :content: Oh well, better than nothing!

Well…lol…doesn’t this sound like a bunch of men hahaha. Maybe it is diff coz I’m a girl… but I usually think more so of the human interaction than the actual act itself and it seems to happen. Not always but prob more than not - sometimes I get to the belt buckle bit (lol…Rush) and think " OMG do I want to see that or not (lol) and that can sometimes do it in for me. Maybe try not to be soooo gratuitous about it and focus more on connecting with the person. I know one DC i recently had the pleasure of …lol… was a connecting thing…then when I got all focused on it and tried to get a round 2 I woke up. I guess like in RL…dont try too hard :smile:

well reading this post caused me to have a sex dream last night, but as we were :wink: it triggered lucidity for me.

As we were in the act I just released i was dreaming.

i think it may have been the fact that i was in bed with her and the bed was in the middle of a class room :meh:

Lordy how did I manage to tripple post? How embarassing! :cool_laugh:
Hahah Tripper, I don’t think it can be because you’re a girl because I’m a girl too and I’m not that way at all. Usualy in a sex dream I couldn’t care less about human interaction I just want to get my rocks off so to speak. Likewise I know guys who are more into the human interaction thing. I think it just depends on the person. Maybe I will try talking to the person next time though before I rip his/her clothes off. :content:
Insane goth- hahah that’s funny being in the middle of class. I’ve had dreams like that before like being in the school locker room and stuff. You’d think I’d get lucid from that… :tongue: