SEX. Will it hinder your dream memory?

Hey, I havn’t posted for awhile but I’ve had this on my mind for awhile.

Will sex hinder your ability to dream/remember dreams? I’m a young guy and I have to admit, I’m abit active :wink: . Everytime I’m active I either have very little or absolutly no dream memory. But when I go a night without any sexual activity, some strange things happen. I’ll either have good memory recall, a lucid dream, or OBE exiting sensations either in the morning or before I fall asleep.

I once read in a book titled “The Tao of Sexology”(FYI: it’s pronounced dao) and the author spoke about how expelling certain fluids can drain a substantial amount of energy which I believe is true. But could this drainage of energy be related to me or other people not being able to have good dream recall or OBEs?

I dunno - never noticed any difference at all. And I really hope your theory isn’t true :wink:

if you read “the multi-orgasmic man” you can learn to orgasm w/o ejaculating, it’s MUCH more satisfying imo and you can avoid the whole energy loss thing

but to answer your question, i haven’t noticed any consistent pattern between ejaculation and dream recall

Yeah, I read about it in the book I was talking about. You push a certain point between the anus and testicle and it stays in and gets recirculated into your bloodstream. It’s usefull at times.

actually, the technique i’m talking about you don’t press that point because ideally you’d never get close to ejaculating anyway, you’re recycling the energy throughout your body before it builds up enough in your genitals to cause that response

Nope, I never noticed any difference…and i hope i never will :wink:
Sex or no sex, or much sex lol…my dreammemory stays the same as always!


mh… i noticed the same thing!!!

dream recall drops damatially after sexual activity…
somewhere i heared that building up sperm is a very energy consuming process…

maybe this is the reason for monks not to have sex? that he church was strict aggainst masturabtion? sex before marriage? i don’t know, but think about it… :confused:

Physical activity results in deeper sleep (which means less dreaming, unless you sleep a lot longer to make up for it), so if you have particularly active sex it could make a difference…

I think I’ll better get out of here!

i think chakras might have something to do with this… cuz from the ‘sun-eye method’ thing,… you have to focus on your third eye chakra, but when you ejaculate, your’ focusing on your base chakra ( something like that it’s called ),. cuz that chakra is located where your genital area is…

SO… my theory is… when you do ejaculate,. you put a greater energy focus on the chakra where your genital area is,. and that takes away from the energy you should be using to focus on the higher chakras like the third eye chakra which helps being aware and helps in lucid dreaming,. and That is why when you ejaculate, you dont get lucid dreams…
:neutral: ??
does anyone agree? disagree??