Shake Hands!

Hmm, question: Do you shake hands with people? I’m always big on this, though people rarely do it for me. Though I’m not big on people touching me (well, people I get bad vibes off anyway), I’ve always liked to shake and feel what kind of energy I get off them. :handshake: Some people have weak hands, others have strong ones, it really tells a lot about them. Just curious.

[size=100]1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?

2. Adults?

3. Teens?

4. Children?

5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?

6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?

7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first? [/size]

~BONUS! Worth a cookie!*~

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right? :mrgreen:

*Cookie shall be rewarded only if I find the bonus answer acceptable. ^^


[size=100]1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?

With elderly men, usually, most seem to expect it. I live in Florida, which means looooooots of elders to shake with. Older women seem to shake less often, but a lot still do it. Either way, both genders accept it if I start with my hand out.

2. Adults?

Almost always for adults, especially businessmen who will usually start it if I don’t. They’re the kind of people who expect it though, so it doesn’t really count.

3. Teens?

For teens it’s different. Most kids my age do more of a slide shake or knuckles to friends instead of an official handshake. Boys do this more than girls at my school, and not many actually do it properly.

Haha, I remember a few weeks ago I was meeting my friend’s girlfriend for the first time. My hand was held out and there was silence, as if she didn’t even know what to do. Overall it was pretty hilarious when she finally realized that she should take it, since I didn’t take it down. (I never do, that way they look stupid and not me. :wink:)

I do the slider with most people, if not the official shake. Makes me feel closer to them. ^^

4. Children?

Meh… kids. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t. Really depends on who they are, a lot of little ones don’t like it when you do that. :confused: I never used to, I don’t think, but I used to be really quiet anyway.

5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?

My hand usually clamps on pretty hard, though I never mean to do it that roughly.

This is probably because I was a bit of a bully in elementary school, having no friends and all. :sad: Instead of being caught fighting I’d give, ‘The Killer Handshake.’ It’d teach them a lesson without getting me in trouble.

Of course I have friends now, I don’t do it anymore. :grin:

6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?

Medium to hard is good. Light ones always make me feel as if the other person has something wrong with them. Like they’re super-fragile and the slightest touch will break them… eep. :bored:

7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?

I usually start it, with the exception of some people, of course. I vibe them over first to make sure it’s applicable, a good idea actually, but if I think they’re good with it I’ll be the one. The day with the girl from above I was feeling especially tired and worn out, so I forgot to/didn’t care to do a quick check.[/size]

~BONUS! Worth a cookie!*~

[size=100]B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right? :mrgreen:

Sometimes. :wink:[/size]

*Cookie shall be rewarded only if I find the bonus answer acceptable. ^^


Hubs to you all! :hugs:

[size=100]1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?

If they initiate the shake. Otherwise, not usually. I’m more one for verbal introductions, though I’ve got no problem with shaking people’s hands.

2. Adults?

This is probably the most common group of people I shake hands with. If it seems appropriate, I initiate, especially if they’re a friend-of-a-friend that I’m meeting at a party or someone similar. When it seems important to appear strong and driven in an introduction, I usually will.

3. Teens?

As you said, Wolb, I’ve got a whole memorized repetouire of handshake variants for my peers; everything from the standard knuckle (which is often used as a form of congratulations around here, too) to intricate shake-grab-snap-slip combinations that have to be deciphered on the spot. I’ve gotten pretty good at figuring out what the other person is trying to do with their handshake while they’re doing it in order to keep up; it kinda takes some skill. :tongue:

4. Children?

Rarely. Most children I know don’t seem to be big on handshakes (though I would probably have shook your hand when I was younger).

5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?

When doing the standard shake, I grip the other person’s hand firmly, look them directly in the eye, and shake their hand with purpose. I get a lot of compliments on my handshake. :content:

6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?

Hard, usually. People with soft handshakes usually seem really timid or reserved to me; I like people with some spunk to them. :content:

7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first? [/size]

Depends on the situation and the other person. See above answers.

~BONUS! Worth a cookie!*~

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right?

Honestly, who doesn’t? :mrgreen:

Now where’s my cookie? :cookiemon:

[size=100]Whatever I write here applies to men and really old women. Here in Brazil we don’t shake hands with women, we do the cheek kissing thing (which is not actually kissing the cheeks, but rather both people touching their cheeks and kissing the air). :content:

1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?

Yes, whenever I meet one.

2. Adults?


3. Teens?

Yes, normal and fancy handshakes for that matter.

4. Children?

Only if they start or if I respect them more than I respect average children.

5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?

I have a firm grip, not bonecrusher though.

6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?

I don’t prefer them, I try to sense what they mean.

7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?\

Unless noted otherwise (see ‘children’) and the other person didn’t start a handshake yet, I start one.[/size]

~BONUS! Worth a cookie!*~

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right?

/me smacks Wolf around :grin:


This is a cool thread :smile:

1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?

Yes I do :smile:

2. Adults?


3. Teens?


4. Children?

Not very often, most kids I know aren’t really big on shaking hands.

5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?

Bone crusher :ebil:

…actually I guess I’m in the meiddle, between soft and bone crusher.

6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?

I think softer ones because they don’t hurt as much.

7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?

Sometimes I start one, other times I don’t, it depends who I’;m shaking hands with :smile:

Now me, now me!

  1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?
    Yes, if they start it

  2. Adults?
    Yes, if they start it :wink:

  3. Teens?

  4. Children?
    Nope, see 7.

  5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?
    Depends on the person, i have one friend with wchich we always make a bone crushing hand shake, but most of the people make a medium. With women tho a always make a soft one :wink:

  6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?
    Realy depends, when im shaking hands with an male friend, and he’s shaking it softly, i don’t know what do think, maybe he dosen’t like me too much??

  7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?
    I prefer when somebody sticks he’s hand first, i rarely stick my hand first. (am i wierd?)

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right?
Who dosen’t? :smile: (wheres my cookie?)

[size=100]1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?

Not really… I think. For the most part, (I’m not sure what the english version of it is…), I ask them for a “mano po”. Its when you take their hand and you bow your head while you bring their hand up to touch your forehead. So I don’t usually do handshakes with them.

2. Adults?

No, not usually. I don’t usually converse with many adults anyway.

3. Teens?

Actually, yes. Especially to congratulate them on something. Or for any other occasion that might fit a handshake.

4. Children?

Like what others said; children aren’t usually ones for a handshake. Besides, its too formal for their tastes, I think.

5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?

I have a soft handshake. Bone crushers are usually done for fun, I think, and I don’t know if anyone uses them for a sincere handshake.

6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?

Soft handshakes, definitely. It has a feeling of sincerity which I like.

7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first? [/size]

I usually start them. I don’t think the custom of handshaking is that big here. If people hold out their hands first though… then I accept, of course.

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right? :mrgreen:

Actually, I’d be curious on what you honestly think I think about you. Anyway, for the most part, I like you.

  1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?
  • Yes. Many of my father’s associates fall into this category.
  1. Adults?
  • Ditto. (Yes, almost always.)
  1. Teens?
  • Yes.
  1. Children?
  • Actually, I hardly ever meet children (except my cousins’ toddlers who are too young), so I really don’t know. :confused: Probably not.
  1. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?
  • It’s as hard as I can make it, which isn’t very hard, so I’ll say it’s a medium-to-firm grip. :content:
  1. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?
  • I absolutely loathe limp handshakes. They feel like you’re holding something slimy and just… just ugh! No, I definitely prefer hard handshakes any day! Besides, soft handshakes always give me the impression the person is distracted or that they’re not being sincere.
  1. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?
  • Depends on the situation. If it’s one of my dad’s business colleagues, or someone senior like a lecturer at uni, I’ll wait for them to initiate it. Otherwise I’ll start it.

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right?
I don’t know about love, but I certainly do like you, Wolf! :content: Everybody does!

[size=100]1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?

I don’t meet so many old people, and when I do I usually don’t shake hands with them unless they start it.

2. Adults?

When it comes to people that I am expected to remember and so, like distant relatives and so on. I don’t really speak a lot to adults if they aren’t introduced to me…

3. Teens?

Yes, especially if they are a friend’s friend or something. I do not shake hands with new class mates etc, but if I’m being introduced to someone, and they are less than an arm’s length away (I’m pretty short, so that’s not a very large distance), then why not? I dislike the way some teenagers hug their friends too often. Like this guy in my class who always wanted to hug us girls (well, not ALL girls, but his friends) goobye after school. Annoying :grrr:

4. Children?

No, I never shook hands with people as a child, and therefore I don’t shake hands with children. I don’t think they like it that much.

5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?

I think I have it pretty soft. Not the slimy kind of soft, but I tend to mostly follow the other person.

6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?

Medium, because if too softies shake hands nothing will happen really :tongue:

7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first? [/size]

When it comes to teens, I start, but elders and adults are usually faster than me.

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right? :mrgreen:

Hm… no. :razz: Can I get my cookie now?

  1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?
    Depends on the situation really, usually only when I meet someone close to the family that I haven’t met before.

  2. Adults?
    Same as above + when going to work interviews.

  3. Teens?
    Even less often than above…

  4. Children?
    Even less often than above… :tongue:

  5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?
    Firm but not crushing.

  6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?
    I hate soft and sloppy handshakes.

  7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?
    It’s usually the other person, or both at the same time.

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right?
/me shake hand with The Wolbinator
well, you have a firm handshake so you can’t be that bad :wink:

1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?
Yes, but only if they offer, which they usually do. I don’t really like to shake, becuase I don’t like the motion itself, and it makes me feel open to…attack.
2. Adults?
Yes, but only if they offer. I still don’t like it, for the same reasons as above, plus I feel as if they’re trying to intimidate me.
3. Teens?
We don’t shake, we wave, or some equivalent motion. If there are girls involved, there might be hugging, but I don’t really do that either, because all that phisical contact creeps me out. (I have a few OCD tendancies.)
4. Children?
No. No, no, NO! I don’t ever even have contact with children if I can help it.
5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?
Medium to hard.
6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?
Hard. Soft ones freak me out. Once this kid (not child) shook my hand and it was very soft, but his hand was also cold and clammy. Not coolish. Cold. Too cold to be normal. I flipped.
7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?

Never me. Always them. Period. Except once, for my ex-girlfriend’s father. That was the only time ever.
~BONUS! Worth a cookie!*~

B. Be honest… you love me (The Wolbinator), right? :mrgreen:
I pick the cookie answer.

  1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?
    Yes, usually only if they offer it. I usually just wave to the people in the VA hospital I volunteer at.
  2. Adults?
    Yes, but same as above. Unless I have some business-y matters with them, then I’ll shake everytime.
  3. Teens?
    Sorry touch-phobics, I’m usually that person who loves to freak people out by giving them random hugs (only friends though) I’m terribly bad at all the various greetings used (freak who misses high fives…yea… :smile:)
  4. Children?
    I did it a couple of times with children who randomly came up to me and launched into dramas without introducing themselves. Otherwise I will only wave to them.
  5. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?
    Firm grip, loose shake–quicker if its a professional setting. I’ll have a soft handshake if I don’t feel that the moment was appropriate for a handshake.
  6. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?
    Some where between. My cousins used to do indian burns to keep me from grabbing them with my former vice-grip… so bone crusher handshakes make me want to cry.
  7. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?
    The other person usually sticks their hand out first, although I will when I need to.

B. Be honest... you love me (The Wolbinator), right?
Oh? You don't remember my hug from the gathering? I'll spare you another one :content: *shakes hand instead*
[size=17]But prepare if thou lies to thee :ebil: [/size]

/me gives a cookie to everyone but Lanina, then runs away from Fei. :razz:

Thanks for the replies. :grin: Interesting results really, I should make a nice, big survey of the results and all to see if there are any patterns. Hehe, I’m not the only one who gets creeped out by soft handshakes. ^^

  1. Do you normally shake hands with elderly people?

Yep. Cept my family.

  1. Adults?

Yep. Cept my family.

  1. Teens?

Yep. Cept my family.

  1. Children?

Yep. Cept my family. Notice a pattern? :shy:

  1. Do you have a soft handshake or a bone crusher?

Medium. It’s usually firm but not painful.

  1. Do you prefer soft or hard shakes?

I prefer one that is firm but still not painful, which is why that is what i do to others

  1. Are you the one to usually start them or does the other person stick their hand out first?

Usually me.

B. Be honest... you love me (The Wolbinator), right? :mrgeen: 

Of course. Now gimme my cookie.   :cookiemon:


Know what you mean by family… Kinda awkward…